Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/768

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2784 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. Extraordinary serv- ioes. Transit charges. Ante, p. 2782. Payments and ac- counts. avis de reception, les mandats de poste et tous autres documents relatifs au service postal, notam- menties pHs concernanties virements postaux. ARTICLE 77 Services extraordinaires. Les frais de transit specifies a l'article 75 ne s'appliquent pas au transport au moyen de services extraordinaires specialement crees ou entretenus par une Administra- tion sur la demande d'une ou de plusieurs autres Administrations. Les conditions de cette categorie de transports sont reglees de gre A gre entre les Administrations interessees. ARTICLE 78 Payements et decomptes. Transit. 1.- Les frais de transit sont a la charge de l'Administration du pays d' origine. BMis ror chllrge.~. 2.- Le decompte general de ces frais a lieu d'apres les donnees de releves statistlques etablis, une fois tous les trois ans, pendant une periode de quatorze jours. Cette periode est portee a vingt- huit jours pour les d6peches echangees moins de six fois par semainc par les services d'un pays quelconque. Le Rcglement determine In periode et la duree d'application des statistiques. Arbitration or ditTer- 3.-Toute Administration est ences. autorisee a soumettre a l'ap- preciation d'une Commission a'arbitres les resultats d'une statistique qui, d'aprcs elle, dif- Ante, p. 2750. fereraient trop de la realiM. Cet arbitrage est constitue ainsi qu'll est prevu a l'article 11. Les arbitres ont Ie droit de fixer en bonne justice Ie montant des frros de transit a payer. ARTICLE 79 Echange de dep&hes closes avec des bdtiments de guerre. Exchange with war- I. -Des depeches closes peu- ships. vent etre echangees entre les bureaux de poste de l'un des pays deliverable articles; return re- ceipts ; money orders; and all other documents relating to the postal service, particularly correspond- ence relative to postal checks. ARTICLE 77 Extraordinary services The transit charges specified in Article 75 do not apply to trans- portation by means of extraordi- nary services specially created or maintained by one Administration at the request of one or more other Administrations. The conditions for that class of conveyance are fixed by mutual agreement be- tween the Administrations con- cerned. ARTICLE 78 Payments and accounts 1. The cost of transit is borne by the Administration of the country of origin. 2. The genera] accounting for such charges is effected on the basis of statistics taken once every three years, during a period of fourteen days. That period is extended to twenty-eight days for dispatches exchanged less than six times a week thru the services of any country. The Regulations determine the period and ]ength of application of the statistics. 3. Any Administration is au- thorized to submit to a board of arbi tors for consideration the re- sults of statistics which, in its opinion, differ too greatly from reality. Such arbitration is ef- fected in accordance with the provisions of Article 11. The arbitrators are authorized to determine the proper amount of transit charges to be paid. ARTICLl: 79 Exchange oj closed mails with warships 1. Closed mails may be ex- changed between the post offices of anyone of the contracting