Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/860

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2876 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MAHCH 20,1934. Les exemplaires snpplemen- taires de ces documents quiseraient reclames par les Administrations sont payes apart, d'apres leur prix de revient. Postal direct.ory (If 6. -Le Bureau international est the world. Distribution. A1I/e. p. 27M. AnnUl,1 report. Official language. charge de publier un dictionnaire alphitbctique de tous les bureaux de poste dn monde, avec une men- tion speciale pour ceux de ces bureaux charges de services qui ne sont pas encore generalises. Ce dictionnaire est tenu au courant au moyen de supplements 011 de toute autre maniere que Ie Bureau interntttional juge convennble. Le dictionnaire cst distribue aux Administrations a rttison de 10 exemplaircs pn,r unite contri- butive assignee a chacune d'elles par application de l'article 25 de Ia Convention. Les exemplaires sUi>plementaires demandes par les Administrations sont payes a part, d'apres leur prix de revient. ARTICLE 182 Rapport annuel. Le Bureau international fait sur sa gostion un rapport annucl qui ('st ('.ommunique tl. toutes les Administrations. ARTICLE 183 Langue o.fficielle du Bureau inter- national. La langue officielle du Bureau international est la langue fran~aise. ARTICLE 184 . Reply COlJpon.q and Coupons-reponse Cal'tesd'identite Identity cartl~. '" Manulactur~ an'! Le Bureau international est SIJPtJ1y. charge de faire confectionner les coupons-reponse et les cartes d'identite et d'en approvisionner, sur leur demande, les Adminis- trations. ARTICLE 185 Balance et liquidation des comptes. Additional copies of those docu- ments requested by Administra- tions are paid for separately, at cost price. 6. The International Bureau is charged with publishing an alpha- betical dictionary of all the post offices in the world, with special mention of those of such offices charged with services which have not yet been generalized. That dictionary is kept up to date by means of supplements, or in any other manner which the Interna- tional Burenu deems convenient. The dictionary is distributed among the Administrations at the rate of 10 copies for each contributive unit assigned to each of them by application of Article 25 of the Convention. Additional copies requested by Administra- tions nre paid for separately, at cost price. ARTICLI'~ lR2 Annual report The International Bureau makes an annual report of its operations, which is sent to ull the Administrations. AUTICLE 183 Official lang'l.UJ,ge of the Interna- tional Bureau The official language of the In- ternational Bureau is the ~"rench language. ARTICLE 184 Reply coupons. Identity cards The International Bureau is charged with causing reply cou- pons and identity cards to be manufactured, and with supply- ing them to the AdministratIOns on request. AUTICLE 185 Balancing and settlement of accounts Settlement counls. of ae· I.- Le Bureau international est 1. The International Bureau is charge d'operer la balance et la charged with effecting the balanc- liquidation des comptes de tonte ing and settlement of accounts of