Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/1015

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P1easantvUle. N. J . , cxamination of ""ater- way from, through Lake Bay, author- ized ____________________________ _ Plum Point Creek. Md., emmination authorized_______________________ _ Plum Point. Va.. examination authorized__ Pocomoke River. Md•• examinatiou au- thorized_________________________ _ Point Banow Hospilal. Alaska. appropria- tion for reconstruction, etc _________ _ Point Lookout. Conrederate Cemetery. Md., sale authorized ______________ _ Polaud, appropriation for ambassador to __ Poplar. Mont•• bridge authorized across Misaouri Riverat. _______________ _ Po.. -t Angeles Harbor, Wash., examinatiou authorized _______________________ _ Port Arthur, TeL, time extended for bridg- ing Port Arthur at. ______________ _ Port Frederick. Alaska, examination of waterway to Tenakee Inlet, author- ized ____________________________ _ Portland, Main.. : Appropriation for hydrographic office exJ.>CDSCS __ _.... ___ __ ___ __ _......... _.. _ Harbor examination authorized_______ _ Portland, Oreg., appropriation for hydro- graphic office expenscs _____________ _ Port Lav""a, Tex., channel from, to Pass CavallO, Improvement authorized ___ _ Portsmouth, N. H .. bridge authorized across Piseataqua River at _________ _ Portu,al, appropriation for minister to __ _ Postage Rates, extension oL ___________ _ Postal Senlc:e. Se. alao Post Office De- partment. Alaska, air lnail, surcharg" provided for_ Bills or statements of account, postage rate on, produced by mechanical proc:ess ____________________ - -- __ Blind, special postage rates provided on certain matter for _______________ _ Grover, N. C ., post office, lease for quar- ters continued _________________ _ Laborers, credit of fractional part of year's substitute service toward pro- motion ___________________ - ____ _ Messengers, forty-hour law extended to_ Motor- vehicle service, time credits allowed substitutes _____________ _ Postmasters, third- an i fourth... ,l ...s offices, compensation for ad interim service_ ................... ... _...................................... ... Railway Mail Service. stenographer grade provided, offic"," of chief clerks and superintendents ____________ _ Star-route contracts, authority of Post- master General to withhold aWArd· ing of, for 60 days aft..r M,ucn I, 1937__ ~ _________ ~ _~_ IN[)EX "52 1;52 S53 222 6111 263 542 855 630 R5:; liS 851 118 848 535 263 358 725 119 66 842 840 651 65(1 71 647 24 Postal Senit~Colltinllerl. p ... Superint..ndcnts, el"""ilied statioM, credit for substitut<Jo< in computing cOlllp-:lnsation __ ~ ___ ~ ____ ~~_~ ___ S41 Watchmen, forty-hour law extended io~ 651 Postmaster GeneraL See also Po... Office Departm~nt. Government Losses in I:\hipment Act, regulation8 by ______________ ~ ~__ _ 479 t--Itar-route cOl>tracts, authority to with- hold awarding of. for 60 days afrer March I, 1937_______________ ~~___ 24 Post Office Department. Sre aloo Postal I:\ervicc; Postmaster General. Appropriation foI' - - Accounts, Bureau of. _________ ~ _ __ 1M Chief Inspector, Office of. _______ _ 156, lSi Rewards, payment of ___________ ~ 157 Contingent expenses ______ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1M First Assistant Postmaster General, Officeof. ____________ ~~ ___ __ 156,15.~ Fourth Assistant rostruaster General, Officeof. ____ _____ ____ ____ _ 156,160 Ectuipmcnt sl,ops, D_ C _ _ _ __~ 161 Pneumatic-tube servire _______ ~ ~ 161 Rent, light, fuel, first-, secondo, andthird-d..... offices_____ . __ 161 Stationery, supplies, etc______ ____ 160 Transportation, equipllwnt. etc_ _ _ 162 Vehicle service_____ __ ____ ___ ____ 162 Postmaster Gelleral, Office of _ _ ___ ISS, 157 Adjusted losses and contingencies__ 157 Personal or property danlAlte clalmB_ 157 Rewards to postal cmployees for inventions _______________ ~__ 157 Travel expellSC8 _____ ~ _ ___ ____ __ _ 157 Printing and binding _____ ~ ~ _~ ____ __ 156 Public buildings, maintenance and operation____ ______ _ __ ___ __ ___ 162 Purchasing Agent, Office of. ____ _ __ _ 156 Second Assistant Postmaster General, Officeof. ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ __ _ 156,158 Balances due foreign countries __ ~ _ 1511 Contract Air Mail Service________ 159 Foreign mail transportation ______ ~ 159 Indemnities, international mail____ 160 Railway Mail Service ___ ~_ _____ __ 159 Rural Delivery Service___________ If11) Star-route service_ _ _ ___ _____ ____ 158 Transportation of mails_ __ __ _____ 159 oolicitor. Office of. ____ __ ___ _______ 156 Third Assistant Postmaster General, Office oL ___________________ 1M. 1110 Indemnities, domestic mail. _ ~ _ 160 Stamps and stamped paper, manu- facture of._ __ __ ___ ______ ___ 160 Unpaid money orders ___________ ~ 160 Deficiency appropriation for-- Audited claims ________ ~ __ 17 .237 ,780 ,783 Chief 1r'3pector, Office of ____ ~ _~ 226 Rew(,rds, payment of. _______ ~ ~ ~ !!2(l