Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/1016

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• LXXII INDEX Pu' Ofllee Departmeat-Continued. ])elicieDcy appropriation for--CoDtd. Damageclaima ______________ 15, 232, 776 First AssistaDt Poetmaster GeDeral, Office oC ____________________ _ Carfare and bicycle allowance____ _ City delivery carriers ___________ - Clerks, first-, secoLd-, and third- 227 227 227 c1assoffices_________________ 227 Poetmasters, compensation. _ _ . . _ 227 Special-delivery fees _________ . _ 227 Judgments ___________ .. _ _ _ -__ -__ 15, 233 Postmaster General, (}ffice of _____ . . 226 PriDting and binding _____________ . 2211 SecoDd Assistant Postmaster General, Office or. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ 13,227,768 CoDtract air-mail service____ 13, 2:l7, 768 Foreign-mail transport.tiuD_______ 227 Railroad transportation and mail Jne88CDger servk"' ___________ _ Third Assistant PostmAtiter Gencral, Office nC ___________________ . Stamps and stall\ped paper, manu- facture, ete., or. _______ _ -'diu.ted CompensatioD Payment Act, advances from 'l'rea.oury Depart- ment in handling bUIIII•• authorized ____________________ .. Alaska, air mail. surcharge for, prov\ded. Automobiles, co.t limitation; use r~- atricted to official businC88 _____ . __ Bills or statementa 1)( account, postage rate on, produced by mechaDical process ________________________ _ Blind, special postage rates provided for certain matter for ______________ _ Deficiency in postal re"cnues, funda from Treasury for ______________ _ Estimates for appropriations iD the field, use of appropriations for ________ _ Jo'ield service approprictions not to be nsedforDepartment___ . ________ _ Payment forbiddeD to persons after DominatioD rejected by Senate ___ . Postmasters, third- and fourth-elas8 offices, compensatioD to persons, acting during vacancy, ete ______ - _ ~ieDtific investigations by Bureau of ' Standards ____________________ _ Telephone service, contracts for _____ . _ Third- and foDrth-e1ass post offices, COIU- pensatioD for service during va~-An- cy, etc_______________________ _ Travel expe. - of civilians when trans- ferred; restrictioD _____________ _ Travel expen8e8 payahle from servicp. approJ>riatiollS __________ . Potato Act. 1935, appropriation for refund of taxes err(JII...>usly, etc.• eollected under __________________________ _ 227 227 227 229 725 163 119 163 156 lW 164 71 11..3 162 71 163 156 Poteall a ....... Arll., examinatloD autho.... PalO bed_ _____________________________ 878 Potomac aiYer: Bridge authorized acr088, at. -- Frederick County, Md.-Loudoun County, Va _________ :____ 250 Haneock, Md_______ _________ _ ____ 476 Shepherdstown, W. Va ___________ . 475 ExaminatioD authorized___ ___ __ _____ _ 878 Land claims along shore of, appropria- tionforsettlementof. ___________ 763 Pollution of, compact for creation of con- servancy district for prevention of. (,oo8Ont of Congress given for nego- tiatioD 01.______________________ 884 Time extended for bridging, at Dahl- gren, Va _____ . . -________ ________ 241 P01!'der al"er, Orell., examination autho.... ized____________________________ _ 880 Power Comml88loB. See Federal Power Commission. Prague, Csechoslo"akia, appropriation for remodeling legation ______ _ President 0' the United States: Apllropriation for- 261> Compensation ____ . __ Prot.,ction of _______ . Traveling expen8C8 __ _ 329 147.274 330 Appointment of- Civilian (",on8Orvation Corps, Direc- tor _________________________ _ Coast Guard Academy, professors as bcads of departments _________ _ Counselor of the Department of State_ J<:mergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1937, supervisory, etc., officers_ Gencral Anthouy Wayne Memorial Commisslon __________ _ Golden Gate InternKtionall':xposition, 319 66 169 31\:; 695 Commissioner__ ___ __ ______ ____ 489 Greater T .."as and Pan American }<~,,- position, Commissioner General_ 511 Housing Authority, United States, Administrator_____ _________ __ _ 889 National Bituminous Coal Commis- ~i()l1_________________________ 7a ConslIml'rs' CounseL ______ ___ __ _ 74 New York World's Fair, Co:nmis- sioner _____ __ _____ ____ __ 493 Pan AmericaD Exposition, Commis- sioner ____________________ . 831 Railroad Retirement Board, members 314 UDited States Constitution Sesqui- centennial Cotnlllission, Director General_________• ____________ 695 Canal Zone- Air navigation regulntions by, pend- ing action by Congress_ ___ ___ _ _ 48ti Pel'llonnel, appointment, removal. fix- ing of eompensation by ___ . . 487