Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/1022

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LXXVIII RoDdeat Barbor. N. Y • • exBDlination au- thorized __________________ -- ___ - -- Root River. Mlan.. examination au- thorized_________________________ _ Ro.ebad bdlaDa, 8. Dak.. appropriation for industrial aasistance ___________ _ a-. Janet BarcI_tle. appropriation au- thorized for pAyment to Canada for injuriea to____________________ - --- Appropriation for __________________ _ Rnlo, Nebr_. time extendold for bridging Missouri Riverat ________________ _ Rnm..... appropriation for minister to __ _ RIIrIIl DeUver, Service. appropriation for _ Raral E1edrillcatlon Ad, 1936. appropria- tion for loan8 under _________ -- -_ - -- Raral EJectrilicatioa Administration: Appropriation for- Loans_______________-__---------- Salaries anll expenses _____________ _ RaBSiaD River. Calif•• " xamination &uthQl'- ized_________________, ___ - - - - - - - - -- 8 Sabine-Neches Waterway. Te,..: Examination authorized _______ _ Improvement authorized ___________ ,_ Improvement project, portion aban- doned. at Beaumont____________ _ Sacramento. CaUf_ . appropriation for im- provement•• Air Corp. lJ~pot ____ . . __ Sacramento IadlaD Reservation. CaUe., appropriatiOil for flood controL _____ _ Sacra_nlo RI", •• Calif.: Appropriation for flood controL ______ _ Improvement authorized ____________ _ SaCet, of LIfe at Sea. lateraational Con- ventloa for. amendments to Commu- nications Act of 1934 making effective proviBions or. ____________________ _ Salina. Bay. Micb... examination au- thorized_________________________ _ 8a&iDa. Ri",er. Mich•• improvement au- thorized_________________________ _ st. Aa.ll8tIne, FIa.: ALaatasia Lighthouse Reservation, con - veyance of portion to ___________ _ Coast Guard station establishment at. authorized _____________________ _ st. C "therlnes Soalld. Md.. examination authorized_______________________ _ st. Char'" Mo.. time extended for bridging Missouri River at________ _ st. Croix ChIppeWG Illdlana, Wis.. care of indigent. etc.• funds continued avail- able____________________________ _ st. ElizabedIslloepltal, appropriation for_ at. JaI.oe. Ba,. Md ., ~riaI to officers, etc_ . of United Statea ship Tulip, appropriation authorized for_______ _ Appropriation for__________________ _ INDEX P ..e st. Jeromes Creek. Md .. improvement 1'_ 851 authorized_______________________ 843 St.. Johns River. Fla.. improvement of waterway between Beaufort. S . C_, 879 and_____________________________ 847 575 St.. John. River Waterway. FIL. ex&w- ination authorized_ __ ___ __ ___ ______ 853 St_ JOlles RIver. DeL. improvement au- 130 thorized_________________________ 845 768 st. JOlICphB Ba,. Fla.. improvement au- thorized_ __ _____ ______ __ ___ ___ ___ 847 Lawrellce River. time extended for 167 St. 263 bridging, at Ogdenshurg, N. Y __ _ __ _ 631 160 342 St. Louis Mission Boardlll' School, OkIL. appropriation for education. Osage Indian children___________________ 581 St. Louia, Mo.. time extended for bridging Mississippi River at _____________ 244,251 342 St. Maries. Idaho. ap~ropriation for care of 341 graves of firefighters_______________ 412 St. Marks River. Fla_ . improvement au- 880 thorized_ _ _ __ _ __ _ ___________ __ ___ 847 St. Patrlcks Creek. Md.. examination authorized_ _______ ____ ____ ____ ___ 852 St. l'etersbur, Harbor, FIL. improvement 854 authorized ___________ ._ _ ___ __ ____ 847 848 Saint Thomaa, Virgin Islands: Harbor improvement authorized _____ _ 856 Saval Station, appropriation for im- provenlentB___ .. _.. ____ .. ___ .. _........ 452 Sales Act, Uniform. D. C . See District of Columbia. 580 Salinas River. Canf•• examination au- 850 110 thorized_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ _____ ____ ___ 880 518 Saline River. Ark.. examination author- 849 ized_____________________________ 878 Salmoll River. Alaska, appropriation for flood controL_____________ ___ __ ___ 519 Salt Ri,. Inllian Reservation. Ariz.. ap- 189 propriation for flood control. _ __ _ _ _ _ 580 Salt River Irrlgatioll Project. Ariz.. ap- 855 propriation for __________________ 577,595 Salvador, appropriation for minister to. __ 263 849 Sail Antonio Ba,. TeL. examination of channel conneding with Gulf of Mexil!O, authorized________________ 854 65 San Carlollbdlall Resc"aUolI. Ariz.. ap- propriation for irrigation __________ _ 578 ,')411 Sail Carlos Irrigatloll Project. Ariz.. ap- propriation for ___________________ _ 577 852 Sallchez. Mercedes Mattinez Vlud. de, appropriation authorized for pay- 201 ment to Dominican RepUblic for ac- count of. _ ______ ______ ___ __ __ ____ 132 Appropriation for___________________ 769 691 San Dle,o. Canr.: 614 Appropriation for- 259 767 Naval Air Station, constructioll work_ Na.'a1 Station, construction work ___ _ Naval Training StatiOIl ____________ _ Harbor improvement authorized _____ _ III 110 98 849