Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/1038

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XCIV INDEX Wuhlaatoa: P..,. I Wellht. aDd Meuurea. Interaatlonal Pan . 'ppropriation for- Bureaa 01. appropriation for contri- Grand Coulee Dam. construction._ _ ' ;97 butioD __________________________ _ Indian Irrigation projl,(·ts_ ______ ____ 577 Wel,ht. aDd Measures, Interaallonl Indians, support. etc.• 0'-__ __ _ __ _ __ 577. Committee 01. appropriation for ex- 579,580 ,582,585 .587,500 rJCD8C8. AUleri~,an member__________


Mount Rainier National Park. ad- Welles Harbor. Mld..a, IlIIand. improve- ministration. etc_ _ _ __ __ __ __ ___ 605 ment authori.ed_____ __ ____ ___ __ ___ !160 Yakima project. operation. etc _____ . 594 WeUftee' Harbor. Maaa.. examination COlllltructioll_____ ______ _ __ __ ___ 595 authorized____ __ __ __ __ __ ____ ______ 851 Bonneville project. Sell separate title. Wellpinit. Wash•• apI.ropriation for 8chool Bridge eonstruction authorized, Colum- building construction. _ ____________ 5l!2 bia River. Puget !oland-Cathlamet_ 251 Werner Cat. Calli•• examination author- Columbia National Forest. lands added_ 622 ized______________________________ 11M Grand Coulee Dam projoct. prevention Westcott Cove. Cona•• e:.amination au- of speculation in prospectively thori%ed__________________________ MI Irrigable lands, acceptance of rer- Western Sboelloae ladlaa R_naUoa. tain provisions by State__ _____ __ _ 210 Net'.. appropriation for flood con- Jefferson County. conveyance of ecrtain troL____ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ 1180 landin.toState______ . ___ . __ ____ 665 Western SlIoslloa4O JrrI,alloa Project. PUIlI.t Sound, time extended for bridg- Ne.... appropriation for ____ _______ __ 577 inR.atTheNarrow8 _____________ 474 West Polat MWtar, R_r. ..'lon. N. Y • • Ri"cr &Ild harb..r improvements 8U- jurisdiction over portion transferred to thorized________________________ 849 Treasury DepartrueuL_____________ 741 Preliminary examinations author- West Point. N. Y • • appropriation for acqui- bed ________________________ 85;•• 880 "ition of land__ ________________ ___ 452 Westport Sloa,lI. Ore,•• improvement anthorized_______ __ ___ ___ ______ ___ M9 Snake River. examination authorized_ _ 26 477 Wea. Virllala: Time extended for bridging. at {1arkR- ton ____________ ... _ _ _ .. _____ .._ Sn"'lualmie National Forest. lanels added te_______________________ 739 Bridge authorized acrosa Potomac River. at. - Morgan County.Hancock. Md __ _ _ _ _ 476 Shepherdstown__________ _______ __ _ 475 Whitman County Included in Ilorthern division of eastern judicial dis- trict.. _____________________ - - - - 26!l Judicial districts. times for holding Yakima Indian ~rvation. extension of period of tl'\lllt on certain aUott.ed lands ______________ • ________ __ _ W..IIIn,toa Com.._ Se",lee. appropri- ationfor__• ______________________ _ W_laltol!, D. C. 8u aUG District of Columhia. .-\ p propriat.ion for- Model testing planL ________ _ Navy Yard, improvements ________ _ WMlalallo. hIaad. Wis.. improv.·ment of harbors at____ • _ _ _ •• ________ __ " _ WaaIIIta . Olda.: Examination authorized_____ - __ _ _ &tudiea directed for dEovelopment of rl'C - lamation projects _______ . __ __ __ _ _ Water Stor.,. .. .. VtlJlzatlo•• arid and lII!Uliarid areas, promotion of. _______ _ Waterway. Treat,. Ualted States and Great BtItaJa, appropriation for ex· pe0Be8 under_____________________ _ Weallier Bureaa.. 8" Agriculture, n.- - partment of. Weekl..Klaw Rber. F .. .. examination authorized ________________________ _ 210 285 III 110 1178 718 ~19 270 1;.' ;3 oourt changed___________________ 744 Potomac Valley conservancy diatrict, consent of Congress given to nego- tiati'ln of compact for creation of. _ !l84 Rivers and harbors. preliminary exami- nations authorized_____________ 87S, 879 Wllalln. Treat,. Ad. appropriation for c"pe~ •••• ___________________ __ Wllatcom Creek. Wash.. examination BU' t.horized _________________________ _ Wllea' Adriaory Committee. Inter.a- tloaal. appropriatiou for contributiou_ Wheelock Academ,.. O k... .. appropriation for educPotion of Indians.. _________ _ Wllit_er . Pa.. time extended for bridging Monongahela River at. ___ ____ ___ _ _ White Hoase Police. appropriation for salaries, ulli(orJn~, cte____ .... __ . . _. . _ _ _ Willie Lake. Ln.. improvenll.nt of water· way from, to P...,an Island ____ _ Willie River. bridge authorized acrosa, at Eagle Rock. Mo__________________ _ Wilite RI ...r . S . Dak.. examination au- ~hori.ed. ________________________ _ Whlte..ater River. Colli.• examination au- thorized _______________ .. __


432 li83 245 848 879 880