Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/115

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90 "Producer ." "United States ." Of other sections . Complaints respect- ing excessive coal prices. Correction of abuses . Co mplain ts to I nter- state Commerce Com- mission respecting tra nsport ation c osts . Definitions . "Coal ." "Bituminous coal ." "Interstate com- me rce ." Effective date of Section 3 . Ante, p . 75. Duration . Liabilities, etc ., not affected . R.S.§13. 1U. S.C .§29. Bituminous Coal Co nserva tion A ct of 193 5 repe aled . 49 Star. 991 . 15 U.S. C., Supp. II, §§ 801-827 . 75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSI ON-CH . 127 -APRIL 2 6, 1937 SEC . 15. Upon substantial complaint that coal prices are excessive, and oppressive of consumers, or that any district board, or producers' marketing agency, is operating against the public interest, or in violation of this Act, the Commission may hear such complaint, and its findings shall be made public ; and the Commission shall make proper orders within the purview of this Act so as to correct such abuses. The Commission may institute proceedings under this sec- tion, and complaints may be made by any State or political sub- division of a State or by the consumers' counsel . SEC . 16. To safeguard the interests of those concerned in the min- ing, transportation, selling, and consumption of coal, the Commis- sio n or the office of consumer s' counse l is here by vested with aut hority to make complaint to the Interstate Commerce Commission with re spect to rates, ch arges, ta riffs, an d practi ces relat ing to th e trans- portation of coal, and to prosecute the same . Before proceeding to hear and dispose of any complaint filed by another than the Com- mission, involving the transportation of coal, the Interstate Com- merce Commission shall cause the Commission and the office of con- sumers' counsel to be notified of the proceeding and, upon applica- tion to the Interstate Commerce Commission, shall permit the Commission and consumers' counsel to appear and be heard . The Interstate Commerce Commission is authorized to avail itself of the cooperation, services, records, and facilities of the Commission . SEC . 17. As used in this Act- (a) The term "coal" means bituminous coal . (b) The term "bituminous coal" includes all bituminous, semi- bituminous, and subbituminous coal and shall exclude lignite, which is defined as a lignitic coal having calorific value in British thermal units of less than seven thousand six hundred per pound and having a natural moisture content in place in the mine of 30 per centum or more . (c) The t erm "p roduce r" inc ludes all in dividua ls, fi rms, a ssocia - tio ns, co rporat ions, truste es, an d rece ivers e ngaged in the business of mining coal . (d) The term "interstate commerce" means commerce among the several States and Territories, with foreign nations, and with the District of Columbia . (e) The term "United States" when used in a geographical sense includes only the States, the Territories of Alaska and Hawaii, and the District of Columbia . SEC . 18. Section 3 of this Act shall become effective on the first day of the second calendar month after the enactment of this Act, unless the Commission shall not at that time have promulgated the code -and forms of acceptance for membership therein, in which event sect ion 3 of thi s Act shall become effect ive fr om and after the d ate when the Commission shall have promulgated the code and such forms of acceptances, which date shall be promulgated by Executive order of the President of the United States . All other sections, except section 20 (a), of this Act shall become effective on the day of the approval of this Act . SEC . 19. This Act shall cease to be in effect (except as provided in section 13 of the Revised Statutes) and any agencies and offices established thereunder shall cease to exist on and after four years from the date of the approval of this Act . SEC . 20. (a) The Bituminous Coal Conservation Act of 1935 is hereby repealed, but such repeal shall not be effective until the con- sumers' counsel and a majority of the members of the Commission have been appointed . e