Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/116

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91 (b) T here is hereby author ized to be app ropriat ed from time t o time such sums as may be necessary for the administration of this Act . All sums heretofore or hereafter appropriated or made avail- able to the National Bituminous Coal Commission and to the con- sinners' counsel of the National Bituminous Coal Commission estab- lished under the Bituminous Coal Conservation Act of 1935 are hereby transferred and made available for the uses and during the periods for which appropriated, in the administration of this Act by the National Bituminous Coal Commission and the office of the cons umers' coun sel herein created . (c) T he reco rds, pr operty, and eq uipment of the Nation al Bitu - min ous Coa l Commi ssion a nd the consume rs' cou nsel, respect ively, established under the Bituminous Coal Conservation Act of 1935 are her eby tra nsferre d to th e Commi ssion a nd the consum ers' co unsel, respectively established under this Act . SEC . 21.? ihis Act may be cited as the Bituminous Coal Act of 1937. ANNEx To ACT-SciiEDuLE OF DISTRICTS EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA District 1 . The following counties in Pennsylvania : Bedford, Blair, Bradford, Cambria, Cameron, Centre, Clarion, Clearfield, Clinton, Elk, Forest, Fulton, Huntingdon, Jefferson, Lycoming, McKean, Mifflin, Potter, Somerset, Tioga . Armstrong County, including mines served by the P . & S . R. R. on the west bank of the Allegheny River, and north of the Cone- m a .ugh division of the Penn sylvania R ailroad . Fayette County, al l mines on and east of the lin e of India n Creek Valley branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Indiana County, north of but excluding the Saltsburg branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad between Edri and Blairsville, both exclusive . Westmoreland County, including all mines served by the Pennsyl- vania Railroad, Torrance, and east . All coal-producing counties in the State of Maryland . The following counties in West Virginia : Grant, Mineral, and Tucker . WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA District 2 . The following counties in Pennsylvania : Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Greene, Lawrence, Mercer, Venango, Washington . Armst rong Co unty, w est of the All egheny River a nd excl usive o f mines served by the P. & S. R. R. Indiana County, in cluding al l mines se rved on th e Saltsbur g branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad north of Conemaugh River . Fayette County, except all mines on and east of the line of Indian C reek Va lley br anch of the Ba ltimore and O hio Rai lroad . Westmoreland County, including all mines except those served by th e Penns ylvania Railro ad from Torran ce . east . NORTH ERN W EST V IRGIN IA District 3 . The following counties in West Virginia : Barbour, Braxton, Calhoun . Doddridge, Gilmer, Harrison, Jackson, Lewis, Marion, Monongalia, Pleasants, Preston, Randolph, Ritchie, Roane, Taylor, Tyler, Upshur . Webster, Wetzel, Wirt, Wood . That part of Nicholas County including mines served by the Bal- t imore a nd Ohio Railro ad and north . Appropriation au- thorized . Availability of other funds . Transfer of records, et c. Short title . Annex to Act- Schedule of districts . Eastern Pennsyl- vania . Western Pennsyl- vania. Northern West Vir . ginia .