Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/139

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114 Vehicles, etc . Horses, etc . Funeral expenses . Proviso. Pu rchas e of vehi- cles . Ma rine Corps Re- serve . Accounting . Proviso. Group IV (b) em- ployees . Replacement of na- val vessels . Construction and m achin ery . Post, p. 767. Destroyers and sub- marines . 48 Stat.503. Provisos. Group IV (b) em- ployees. Test boilers for navy yards . Technical services . Armor, armament, and ammunition for ve ssels . 7 5rn CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 140- APR IL 27, 1 937 of typewriters and calculating machines ; purchase and repair of furniture and fixtures ; repair of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles ; and purchase, exchange, and repair of horse-drawn passen- ger-carrying and other vehicles, including parts ; veterinary services and medicines for public animals and t he authorized number of officers' horses ; purchase of mounts and horse equipment for all officers below the grade of major required to be mounted ; shoeing for public animals and the authorized number of officers' horses

books, newspapers, and periodicals ; printing and binding ; packing and crating of officers' allowance of baggage ; funeral expenses of officers and enlisted men and accepted applicants for enlistment and retired officers on active duty, including the transportation of their bodies, arms, and wearing apparel from the place of demise to the homes of the deceased in the United States ; construction, operation, and maintenance of laundries ; and for all emergencies and extraor- dinary expenses, $2,330,600 : Provided, That there may be expended out of this appropriation (including the exchange value of any vehicle that may be used as part payment) for the purchase of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, the gross cost of any one vehicle not to be in excess of the respective amounts as follows Two at $1,600 each ; two at $900 each ; eight at $700 each ; ten station wagons at $700 each ; and five motorcycles at $300 each ; Marine Corps Reserve : For clothing, including clothing for avia- tion cadets, subsistence, heat, light, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses, $266,000 ; In all, $7 993,753, to be accounted for as one fund : Provided, That the sum to he paid out of this appropriation for employees assigned to group IV (b) and those performing similar services carried under native and alien sche dules in the Schedul e of Wages for Civil Employees in the Field Service of the Navy Department shall not exceed $80,000 . RE PLACEME NT OF N AVAL VE SSELS Construction and machinery : On account of hulls and outfits of vessels and machinery of vessels heretofore authorized (and appro- priated for in part), and for the commencement of the following vessels authorized by the Act approved March 27, 1934 (48 Stat . 503- 505), eight destroyers and four submarines, $90,000,000, to remain available until expended : Provided, That the sum to be paid out of the amount available for expenditure under the head of "Construction and machinery" for the fiscal year 1938 for employees in the field service assigned to group IV (b) and those performing similar services carried under native and alien schedules in the Schedule of Wages for Civil Employees in the Field Service of the Navy Department shall not exceed $4,570,000 : Provided further, That not to exceed $390,000 of the amount available for expenditure under the head of "Construc- tion and machinery" for the fiscal year 1938 shall be available for the purchase and installation of test boilers for navy yards engaged in new construction : Provided further, That, of the appropriations made available by this Act under the head of "Replacement of naval vessels", there shall be available such sums as the Secretary of the Navy may from time to time determine to be necessary for the engagement of technical services, and the employment of personnel in the Navy Department and in the field, the purchase of plans, drafting and other supplies, and the expenses of printing and travel, in addition to those otherwise provided for, owing to the construction of vessels which have been, or may hereafter be authorized . Armor, armament, and ammunition : Toward the armor, armament, and ammunition for vessels hereinbefore described under the head of