Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/174

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75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 180-MAY 14, 1937

149 1 917 (U. S . C., title 8, sec . 152), medical, surgical, and hospital serv- i ces an d supp lies, i ncludi ng pro stheti c and orthop edic su pplies to be furnished under regulations approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, for beneficiaries (other than patients of the Veterans' Administration) of the Public Health Service and persons detained i n hosp itals of the Public Health Servi ce und er th e immi grati on laws and regulations, including necessary personnel and reserve com- missioned officers of the Public Health Service, personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, including the furnishing and laundering of white duck coats, trousers, smocks, aprons, and ca ps to employ ees wh ose du ties m ake ne cessary the w earing of sa me, maintenance, minor repairs, equipment, leases, fuel, lights, water, fr eight, trans portat ion an d trav el, th e maint enance , exch ange, and operation of motor trucks and passenger motor vehicles for official use in field work (including not to exceed $3,000 for the purchase of motor -prope lled p asseng er-car rying vehicle s) and one f or use in connection with the administrative work of the Public Health Serv- ic e in t he Dis trict of Col umbia, purch ase of ambula nces, transp or- tation, care, maintenance, and treatment of lepers, including trans- portation to their homes in the continental United States of recov- ered indigent leper patients, court costs and other expenses incident to proceedings heretofore or hereafter tak en for commitment of mentally incompetent persons to hospitals for the care and treat- ment of the insane, and reasonable burial expenses (not exceeding $100 for any patient dying in hospital), $6,150,000

Provided, That the Immigration Service shall permit the Public Health Service to u se the hospi tals at Ellis Islan d Immi gratio n Stat ion for the c are of Public Health Service patients free of expense for physical upkeep, but with a charge of actual cost of fuel, light, water, tele- phone, and similar supplies and services, to be covered into the p roper Immig ratio n Serv ice a ppropr iatio ns ; an d mon ey co llecte d b y the Immigr ation S ervice on ac count of hos pital expense s of p er- sons detained in hospitals of the Public Health Service under the immigration laws and regulations shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts : Provided further, T hat no pa rt of this sum shall be used for the quarantine service, the prevention of epi- d emics, or sc ientifi c work of th e char acter provid ed for under the appropriations which follow . Quarantine service : For maintenance and ordinary expenses, exclusive of pay of officers and employees, of United States quaran- t ine st ation s, inc ludin g the excha nge, mainte nance , repa ir, a nd operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles for official use in field work and not to exceed $9,500 for the purchase of motor- propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, $331,250 . Prevention of epidemics : To enable the President, in case only d~Mention of epi . of threatened or actual epidemic of infectious or contagious disease, to aid State and local boards or otherwise in his discretion, in preventing and suppressing the spread of the same, and in su ch emergency in the execution of any quarantine laws which may be then in force, $280,000, including the purchase of newspapers and clippings from newspapers containing information relating to the p revalen ce of di sease a nd the public health . Interstate quarantine service : For coo perat ion w ith S tate and tine t

e pen e municipal health authorities in the prevention of the spread of con- tagious and infectious diseases in interstate traffic, including the maintenance, repair, and operation of passenger-carrying automo- biles, $36,500 . Biologic products : To re gulate the pro pagatio n and s ale of viruses, serums, toxins, and analogous products, including arsphenamine, services in the District . General expenses . vehicl es. Lepers, insane, etc. Prodses . Use of Ell is Isl and hospitals . Receipts to be cov- ered into Treasury . Uses forbidden . Quarantine service . Biologi c prod ucts. Regulating sale of viruses, etc .