Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/178

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75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 180-MAY 14, 19 37

153 sites acquired for buildings or the enlargement of buildings and the installation and repair of the mechanical equipment thereof shall not exceed 20 per centuin of the annual rental of such buildings . Operating force for public buildings : For personal services, including also telephone operators for the operation of telephone switchboards or equivalent telephone switching equipment jointly serving in each case two or more governmental activities, $1,573,500 : Provided, That in no case shall the rates of compensation for the mechanical labor force under this appropriation be in excess of the rates current at the time and in the place where such services are employed . Furniture and repairs of furniture, public buildings : For furni- ture, carpets, and repairs of same, for certain completed and occupied Treasury buildings, and for public buildings in course of construction which are to be operated by the Public Buildings Branch, $50,000 : Provided, That the foregoing appropriation shall not be used for personal services except for work done under contract or for tem- porary job labor under exigency and not exceeding at one time the sum of $100 at any one building : Provided further, That all furni- ture now owned by the United States in other public buildings or in buil dings rente d by the Un ited States shal l be used, so fa r as prac- tic able, wheth er it corre spond s with the prese nt reg ulati on pla n for furniture or not . Op erating supplies, public buildings : For fuel, steam, gas for lighting and heating purposes, water, ice, lighting supplies, electric current for lighting, heating, and power purposes, telephone service fo r c us tod ial fo rc es ; removal of ashes and rubbish, snow, and ice ; cutting grass and weeds, washing towels, and miscellaneous items for use of the custodial forces in the care and maintenance of such public buildings, the grounds thereof, and the equipment and fur- nlshings therein ; temporary job labor under exigency not exceeding at one time the sum of $100 at any one building ; miscellaneous sup- plies, tools, and appliances required in the operation (not embracing repairs) of the mechanical equipment, including heating, plumbing, hois ting, gas p iping , vent ilati ng, va cuum- clean ing, a ir-co nditi oning and refrigerating apparatus, electric-light plants, meters, interior pneumatic tube and intercommunicating telephone systems, conduit wiring, call bell and signal systems in such buildings, and for the transportation of articles or supplies, authorized herein ; $460,000 : Provided, That this appropriation shall be available for contracts for telephone switchboards or equivalent telephone-switching equip- ment jointly serving in each ease two or more governmental activi- ties in buildings under the Treasury Department where it is found that joint service is economical and in the interest of the Govern- ment, and this appropriation shall be reimbursed for the cost of such joi nt ser vice from a vaila ble a ppropr iatio ns of the o ffice s rece iving the service . Payment of claims for relief of contractors, Act of June 16, 1934

To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to make payment of claims settled and certified by the Comptroller General of the United States under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide relief to Government contractors whose costs of performance were increased as a result of compliance with the Act approved June 16, 1933, and for other purposes", approved June 16, 1934 (U . S . C ., title 41, sec . 28), the unexpended balance of the appropriation available for this purpose for .the fiscal year 1937 is continued available until June 30, 1938 . Operating force . Personal services . Proviso. Wage rates. Fur niture, e tc. Provisos . Personal services, restriction . Use of present furni- ture . Operating supplies . Fuel, light, power, etc. Maintenance, etc . Miscellaneous . Proviso . Contracts for joint telephone switch- boards . Rel ief of G overn- ment contractors . Losses due to com . pliance with codes . 48 Stat . 974. 41U .s .a.g28 . 49 Stat . 1843.