Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/179

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154 Supply Branch . Salaries and ex- penses. Provisos . Transfer of avail- abl e funds to Bra nch of Supply . Payments for mate- rials, etc ., issued . Adva nces cred ited to gen eral supply fund . 47 Stat . 417. 31U.S.C.§686. Personal services . "Fuel" construed . Inspection certifi- cate waived . R. S. §§ 3711, 3713. 40U.S.C.§109. Cost of reco ndition . Lug equipment . ypew riter repairs, etc . 75TS CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION--CH . 180-MAY 14, 1937 PROCUREMENT DIVISION-BRANCH OF SUPPLY Salaries and expenses For the Director of Procurement and other personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field service, and for miscellaneous expenses, including office supplies and mate- rials, purchase and exchange of motor trucks and maintenance t hereof, telegrams, telephone servic e, traveling expenses, office equi p- m ent, fue l, light , electr ic curren t, and o ther exp enses fo r carryi ng into effect regulations governing the procurement, warehousing, and d istri butio n by the Procu reme nt Di visio n of the Treas ury Depar t- m ent of p roperty, equipme nt, store s, and s upplies in the D istrict of Columbia and in the field (including not to exceed $500 to settle claims for damages caused to private property by motor vehicles used by the Procurement Division), $500,000 : Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed during the fiscal year 1938 to transfer to this appropriation from any appropriations or funds available to the several departments and establishments of the Government such amounts as may be approved by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, not to exceed the amount of the annual c ompen satio n of empl oyees her etofo re or her eafte r tra nsfe rred or detailed to the Procurement Division, Branch of Supply, respec- tively, from any such department or establishment, where the trans- fer or detail of such employees was or will be incident to a transfer of a function or functions to that Division : Provided further, That payments during the fiscal year 1938 to the general supply fund for materials, supplies (including fuel), and services, and overhead expenses, for all issues shall be made on the books of the Treasury Department by transfer and counter-warrants prepared by the Pro- curement Division of the Treasury Department and countersigned by the Comptroller General, such warrants to be based solely on itemized invoices prepared by the Procurement Division at issue prices to be fixed by the Director of Procurement : Provided further, That advances received pursuant to law (U . S . C ., title 31, sec . 686) fr om de part ments and esta blish ments of the U nited Sta tes G overn - ment and the government of the District of Columbia during the fiscal year 1938 shall be credited to the general supply fund : Pro- vided further, That not to exceed $700,000 shall be available from the general supply fund during the fiscal year 1938 for personal services Provided further, That the term "fuel" shall be held to include "fuel oil" : P rovi ded fur the r, That the requirements of sections 3711 and 3713 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 40, sec . 109) relative to the weighing of coal and wood and the separat e certif icate as to the weight, measurement, or quantity of coal and wood purchased shall not apply to purchases by the Procurement Division at free-on-board destination outside of the District of Columbia : Provided further, That the reconditioning and repair of surplus property and equip- ment, for disposition or reissue to Government service, may be made at c ost by t he Procur ement Di vision, payment therefor to be ef fected by charging the proper appropriation and crediting the appropria- tion "Salaries and expenses, Branch of Supply, Procurement Division ." Repairs to typewriting machines (except bookkeeping and billing machines) in the Government service in the District of Columbia may be made at cost by the Procurement Division, payment therefor to be effected by charging the proper appropriation and crediting the appropriation "Salaries and expenses, Procurement Division, Branch of Supply ."