Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/187

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162 Vehicle s ervice . Provisos . Housing of Govern- ment-owned vehicles . Tractors and trailer trucks . Motor vehicle re- striction . Tra nspo rtat ion of equipment and sup- plies . Public buildings . Operating force. Pro viso . Pay rates, etc . Operating supplies . Provisos . Personal services, rest rict ion . Contracts for telo- phoneservice. 75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CFI . 18 0-MAY 14, 1937 Vehicle service : For vehicle service ; the hire of vehicles ; the rental of garage facilities ; the purchase, exchange, maintenance, and repair of motor vehicles ; accident prevention ; the hire of supervisors, cleri- cal assistance, mechanics, drivers, garage men, and such other em- ployees as may be necessary in providing vehicles and vehicle service for use in the collection, transportation, delivery, and supervision of the mail, $15,250,000 : Provided, That the Postmaster General may, in his disbursement of this appropriation, apply a part thereof to the leasing of quarters for the housing of Government-owned motor vehi- cles at a reasonable annual rental for a term not exceeding ten years Provided further, That the Postmaster General, during the fiscal year 1938, may purchase and maintain from the appropriation "Vehicle service" such tractors and trailer trucks as may be required in the operation of the vehicle service : Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended for maintenance or repair of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles for use in connection with the administrative work of the Post Office Department in the District of Columbia . Transportation of equipment and supplies : For the transportation and delivery of equipment, materials, and supplies f or the Post Office Department and Postal Service by freight, express, or motor transportation, and other incidental expenses, $320,000 . PUBLIC BUILDINGS, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Operating force : For personal services in connection with the oper- ation of public buildings, including the Washington Post Office and the Customhouse Building in the District of Columbia, operated by the Post Office Department, together with the grounds thereof and the equipment and furnishings therein, including telephone oper a- tors for the operation of telephone switchboards or equivalent tele- ph one s witc hboar d equ ipme nt in such bui lding s joi ntly serv ing in each case two or more governmental activities, $17,975,740 : Provided, That in no case shall the rates of compensation for the mechanical labor force be in excess of the rates current at the time and in the place where such services are employed . Operating supplies, public buildings : For fuel, steam, gas, and electric current for lighting, heating, and power purposes, water , ice, lighting supplies, removal of ashes and rubbish, snow and ice, cutting grass and weeds, washing towels, telephone service for cus- todi al force s, and fo r miscel laneous services and sup plies, ac cident prevention= tools and appliances, for the operation of co mpleted and occupied public buildings and grounds, including mechanical and electrical equipment, but not the repair thereof, operated by the Post Office Department, including the Washington Post Office and the Customhouse Building in the District of Columbia, and for the transportation of articles and supplies authorized herein, $5,075,000 : Prov ided, That the foregoing appropriation shall not be available for personal services except for work done by contract, or . for tempo- rary job labor under exigency not exceeding at one time the sum of $100 at any one building : Provided further, That the Postmaster General is authorized to contract for telephone service in public buildings under his administration by means of telephone switch- boards or equivalent telephone-switching equipment jointly serving in each case two or more governmental activities, where he deter- mines that joint service is economical and in the interest of the Government, and to secure reimbursement for the cost of such joint service from available appropriations for telephone expenses of the bureaus and offices receiving the same .