Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/188

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75Tx CONGRESS, 1ST SESS ION -CH . 180- - MAY 14, 1 937 Furniture, carpets, and safes, public buildings : Fo r the p rocure- ment, including transportation, of furniture, carpets, safes, safe and vau lt protective device s, and repairs of s ame, for use in pub lic build- in gs which a re now, or may herea fter be, op erated by the Post O ffice Department, $625,000 : Provi ded, T hat, e xceptin g expen ditures for labor for or incidental to the moving of equipment from or into public buildings, the foregoing appropriation shall not be used for personal services except for work done under contract or for tem- porary job labor under exigency and not exceeding at one time the sum of $100 at any one building : Provided further, That all furni- ture no w owned by the United States in oth er publ ic buil dings o r in buildings rented by the United States shall be used, so far as practicable , whether it corresp onds with the presen t regulati on plan of furniture or not . Scienti fic investigations : In the disbursement of appropriations contained in this title for the fiel d service of the Po st Office Depart- ment t he Post master General may tr ansfer to the Bureau of Sta nd- ards not to exceed $20,000 for scientific investigations in connection with the purchase of materials, equipment, and supplies necessary in the maintenance and operation of the Postal Service . Defi ciency in postal rev enues : If the reven ues of the Post Offic e Depart ment sh all be insuffi cient t o meet the app ropriat ions m ade under title II of this Act, a sum eq ual to such deficie ncy in the reve- nues of such Department is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to supply such deficiency in the revenues of the Post Office Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1938, and the sum needed may be advanced to the Post Office Department upon requisition of the Postmaster General . This title may be cited as the Post Office Department Appropria- tion Act, 1938 . SEC . 2 . Appropriations for the fiscal year 1938 available for expenses of travel of civilian officers and employees of the executive departments and establishments shall be available also for expenses of travel performed by them on transfer from one official station to another when authorized by the head of the department or estab- lishment concerned in the order directing such transfer : Provided, That such expenses shall not be allowed for any transfer effected for the convenience of any officer or employee . SEC. 3 . No appropriation available for the executive departments and independent establishments of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1938, whether contained in this Act or any othe r Act, shall b e expen ded- ( a) To purchas e any m otor-pr opelled passen ger-car rying v ehicle (exclusive of busses, ambulances, and station wagons), at a cost, com- pletely equipped for operation, and including the value of any vehicle exchange d, in exce ss of $750 , unless o therwise s pecificall y provided for in the appropriation . (b) For the maintenance, operation, and repair of any Govern- ment-owned motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle not used exclusively for official purposes ; and "official purposes" shall not include the transportation of officers and employees between their domici les and pl aces of em ployment, except in c ases of me dical offi - cers on out -patient medical se rvices and except i n cases of officers and employees engaged in field work the character of whose duties makes such transportation necessary and then only as to such latter cases when the same is approved by the head of the department or estab- lishment concerned . The limitations of this subsection (b) shall not apply to any motor vehicles for official use o f the President, or of the head s of the ex ecutive de partments . Short title. Exe cut ive depart ments, etc . Amount for travel, etc . 163 Furniture and equip- ment. Provisos .

. Personal services, rest rict ion . Use of present fur- niture . Scientific investigaa tions . Transfer of sums to Bureau of Standards. Deficienc y in post al revenues. Proviso . Trans fer for con- venience of officers . Restrictions on ex- penditures . Cost limitation on automobiles . Maintenance, etc ., automobiles not used for official purposes . "Official purposes" construed . Limitations not ap- plicable .