Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/233

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208 Grand Coulee Dam project, wash . Cons truct ion e x- penditure conditional upon designated pro- visions . 49 Stat . 1039, 1784. Appraisal of lands before irrigation. Repayment con- tracts . Terms and con di- tio n .-3 2 Stat. 388. 43U.S.C.°°391- 404 . Provisos . Excess la nd, ex- clusion from receiving water . Refusal to sell ex- cess lands ; penalty . 75T H CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CHS . 268, 269-MAY 27, 1937 of the United States on all Government buildings on June 1, 1937, and inviting all people of the United States to observe the day and the anniversary year in schools, churches, and other suitable places, with appropriate ceremoni es commemorating the tercentenary of the birth of Pere Jacques Marquette . Approved, May 27, 1937 . [CHAPTER 2691 May 27 1937

AN ACT [S . 2172) To prevent speculation in lands in the Columbia Basin prospectively irrigable by [Public, No. 1171

reason of the construction of the Grand Coulee Dam project and to aid actual settlers in securing such lands at the fair appraised value thereof as arid land, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That no part of the fu nds here tofor e or her eafte r ap prop riate d or all otted for the con- struction of the Grand Coulee Dam project (authorized by section 2 of the Act of August 30, 19 35, 49 Stat . 102 8, 103 9, entitled "An Act authorizing the construction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors and for other purposes", and by the Act of June 22,1936, 49 Stat. 1757, 1784, entitled "An Act making ap p ropriations for the Department of the Interior for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1937, and for other purposes") or for the reclama- tion of land in connection with said project shall be expended in the construction of any irrigation feature of said project, exclusive of Grand Coulee Dam and appurtenant works now under construction, until after the following provisions have been complied with (a) The privately owned lands proposed to be irrigated under said project (including county lands and such State lands as the State may desire and be able to subscribe for irrigation under said project and to subject to the terms of this Act) shall have been impartially appraised in a manner and to the extent prescribed by the Secretary of the Inte rior for the deter mina tion of t heir val ue at the dat e of appraisal without reference to the proposed construction of the said irrigation works and without increment on account of the prospect of the construction of the said project . (b) A contract or contracts shall have been made with an irriga- tio n or recl amat ion d istr ict or di stri cts organ ized und er St ate law providing for payment by the district or districts of that part of the cost of construction of the project allocated by the Secretary of the Inte rior as the p art ther eof p rope rly charg eabl e to irri gati on, the said cost of construction to be repaid within such term or terms of years as the Secretary shall find to be necessary, not to exceed the maximum term permitted under the Federal reclamation laws, the payments to be made in the manner and subject to the terms and conditions provided in the said reclamation laws and subject to enforcement by all of the means and remedies provided in the Recla- mat ion Act of June 17, 1902 (32 Stat. 388), and Acts supplementary thereto or amendatory thereof : Provided, That every such contract with any district shall further require that all irrigable land held in private ownership by any one owner in excess of forty irrigable acres and all county and State lands which may be subscribed to or irrigated under the said project shall be designated as excess land and as such shall not be entitled to receive water from said project . The contract shall provide further that no owner of such excess lands in the said project shall receive water therefrom for any part of the