Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/293

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268 R.S.°3709.. 41 U.S. C.5. International Labor Organization . International Coun- cil of Scientifi c Unions and Associated Unions . Total ; additional sums, increase in rates of exchange . Inter nation al Bo und ary Commis- sion , Unit ed Stat es and Mexico . 24 Stat. 1011 ; 26 Stat. 1512 ; 34 Stat . 2953; 49 Stat. 660, 1370. Rio Grande, recti- fied channel. 48 Stat. 1626 . Printing and bind- in g. 75 TH CONGRESS, IsT SESSION-CH. 359-JUNE 16, 1937 of section 37 09 of the Revised Statutes (U. S . C ., title 41, sec. 5), rent , pu rch ase of n eces sary bo oks and docu men ts, prin ting and bi nd- ing, official cards, entertainment, and such other expenses as may be authorized by the Secretary of State ; Convention Relating to Liquor Traffic in Africa, $55 ; International Penal and Penitentiary Com- mission, $4,328 .75, including not to exceed $80 0 for the necessary expenses of the Commissioner to represent the United States on the Commission at its annual meetings, personal services without regard to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, printing and binding, traveling expenses, and such other expenses as the Secretary of State m ay dee m nece ssary ; Perm anent Associa tion of Inter national Roa d Congresses, $588 ; International Labor Organization, $173,939 .74, including not to exceed $25,000 for the expenses of participation by the United States in the meetings of the General Conference and of th e Governing B ody of the I nternational Labor Office and in such regional, industrial, or other special meetings as may be duly called by such Governing Body, including personal services, without refer- ence to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, stenographic reporting and translating services by contract if deemed necessary without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 41, sec. 5), rent travel- ing expenses, purchase of books, documents, newspapers, Periodicals, and charts, stationery, official cards, printing and binding, enter- t ainmen t, hir e, mai ntenan ce, an d oper ation of mot or-pro pelled passenger-carrying vehicles, and such other expenses as may be authorized by the Secretary of State ; Implementing the Narcotics C onvent ion of 1931, $9,109 .18 ; International Council of Scientific Unions and Associated Unions, as follows : International Council of Sc ientific U nio ns, $19 .30j International Astronomical Union $ 617 .60 ; I nterna tional Union of Ch emistr y, $675 ; Int erna tion al Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, $2,316 ; International Scientific Radio Union, $154 .40 ; International Union of Physics, $62 .72 ; Inter- national Geographical Union, $125 .44 ; and International Union of Biological Sciences $154.40 ; in all, $4,124 .86 ; and Pan American Institute of Geograp~y and History, $10,000 ; in all, $842,862 .75, together with such additional sums, due to increase in rates of exchange as the Secretary of State may determine and certify to the Secretary of the Treasury to be necessary to pay in foreign currencies the quotas and contributions required by the several treaties, con- ventions, or laws establishing the amount of the obligation . INTE RNAT IONAL BOU NDARY COM MISSI ON, UNITE D STA TES AND MEXICO Sa laries and ex penses : For expe nses of meet ing the oblig ations of the United St ates under th e treaties o f 1884, 1 889, 1905, and 1906 between the United States and Mexico, and of compliance with the Act approved August 19, 1935, as amended (49 Stat . 660, 1370) including maintenance and preservation of the rectified channel of the Rio Grande under the terms of article XI of the Convention between the United States and Mexico, concluded February 1, 1933 (48 Stat . 1621, 1626), operation of gaging stations where necessary and their equipment ; personal services and rent in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; fees for professional services at rates and in amounts to be determined by the Secretary of State ; travel expenses, including transportation of effects ; printing and binding ; law books and books of reference ; subscriptions to foreign and domestic newspapers and periodicals ; purchase, exchange, mainte- nance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled passenger- and