Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/365

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340 National Mediation Board . Sal ari es and ex- penses . 48 Stat.1193. 45U.S.C.°154. Arbitrat ion boar ds . Emergency boards . 44 Stat .586 . 45U.S.C.°160. Printing and bind- ing . N ati onal Ra ilro ad Adjustment Board . Expenses . 48 Stat . 1189. P rint ing and bi nd- ing . Oil lands in former naval reserves. Expenses, protec- tion of interests in matters affecting . 43 Stat .15 . Proviso. Compensation re- striction . Railroad

Retire- ment Board . Salaries and ex- pense s . 75 TH CON GRE SS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 396r-JUNE 28, 1937 NATIONAL MEDIATION BO ARD For three members of the Board, and for other authorized expen- ditures of the National Mediation Board in performing the duties imposed by law, including contract stenographic reporting services ; supplies and equipment ; not to exceed $200 for newspapers, books of reference and periodicals, $140,700, of which amount not to exceed $107,060 may be expended for personal services in the Distr ict of Columbia . Arbitration boards : To enable the National Mediation Board to pay necessary expenses of arbitration boards, including com pensa- tion of members and employees of such boards, together with their nece ssary trave ling expen ses an d exp enses actua lly i ncurre d for sub- sistence while so employed, and printing of awards, togethe r with proceedings and testimony relating thereto, as authorized by the Railway Labor Act, including also contract stenographic reporting service, and rent of quarters when suitable quarters cannot be sup- plied in any Federal building, the unexpended balance of previous appropriations for this purpose shall be available . Emergency boards : For expenses of emergency boards appointed by the President to investigate and report respecting disputes between carriers and their employees, as authorized by section 10, Railway Labor Act, approved May 20, 1926 (U . S . C ., title 45, sec . 160), the unexpended balance of previous appropriations for this purpose shall be available. For all printing and binding for the National Mediation Board, $2,500 . NATIONAL RAI LRO AD ADJ US TME NT BOA RD For authorized expenditures of the National Railroad Adjustment Board, in performing the duties imposed by law, including contract stenographic reporting services and supplies and equipment, $207,565, of which $47,900 shall be available only for services of referees and not more than $105,460 may be expended for other personal services . For all printing and binding for the National Railroad Adjust- ment Board, $35,000 . Total, National Railroad Adjustment Board, $242,56 5 . Total, National Mediation Board, $385,765 . PROTECTION OF INTERESTS OF THE UNITED STATES IN MATTERS AFFECTING OIL LANDS IN FORMER NAVAL RESERVES Protection of interests of the United States in matters affecting oil lands in former naval reserves : For compensation and expenses of special counsel and for all other expense, including employment of experts and other assistants at such rates as may be authorized or approved by the President, in connection with carrying into effect the joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution directing the Secretary of the Interior to institute proceedings touching sections 16 and 36, township 30 south, range 23 east, Mount Diablo meridian", approved February 21, 1924, $34,000, to be expended by the President : P ro - vided, That no part of this sum shall be used to compensate any person at a rate in excess of $10,000 per annum . RAILROAD RETIREMENT BOARD For salaries and expenses, Railroad Retirement Board : For thre e Board members and for all other authorized and necessary expendi- tures of the Railroad Retirement Board in performing the duties