Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/411

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386 Proviso . Minor auxiliary structures; Park police. Salaries . 43 Stat. 175; 44 Stat. 834; 46 Stat. 839. Unif orm s, equip- ment, etc . National Capital Park and Planning Commission . Reimbursement to United States for lands acquired . 46 Stat . 485. Incidental expenses . 43 Stat . 463. 40U.S.C .°71. Provisos. Minor purchases, etc . R.S.° 3709. 41U.S.C.°5. Statement of ex- penditures to Con- gre ss . National Zoological Park . Expenses. 75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 403-JUNE 29, 1937 tenance, repair, exchange, and operation of not to exceed two motor- propelled passenger-carrying vehicles and all necessary bicycles, motorcycles, and self-propelled machinery ; the purchase, mainte- nance, and repair of equipment and fixtures, and so forth, $382,500 : Provided, That not to exceed $10,000 of the am ount herei n appropriated may be expended for the erection of minor auxiliary structures. PARK POLICE Salaries : For pay and allowances of the United States park police force, in accordance with the Act approved May 27, 1924, as amended, $175 ,470 . For uniforming and equipping the United States park police force, including the purchase, issue, operation, maintenance, repair, exchange, and storage of revolvers, bicycles, and motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, uniforms, ammunition, and radio equip- ment, $9,000 . N ATIO NAL CAPI TAL PARK AND PLA NNIN G COM MISS ION For reimbursement to the United States in compliance with sec- tion 4 of the Act approved May 29, 1930 (46 Stat ., p . 482), as amended, $30 0,000 . For each and every purpose, except the acquisition of land, requi- site for and incident to the work of the National Capital Park and Planning Commission as authorized by the Act entitled "An Act providing for a comprehensive development of the park and play- ground system of the National Capital", approved June 6, 1924 (U. S. C., title 40, sec . 71), as amended, including personal services in the District of Columbia, maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, not to exceed $1,000 for printing and binding, not to exceed $500 for traveling expenses and carfare of employees of the Commission, and not to exceed $300 for professional, scientific, technical, and reference books, and peri- odicals, $40,150 : Provided, That the Commission may procure sup- plies and services without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C., title 41, sec . 5), when the aggregate amount in- volved does not exceed $50 : Provided further, That a statement of expenditures from this appropriation shall be reported to Congress in the annual Budget . NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PA RK For roads, walks, bridges, water supply, sewerage, and drainage ; grading, planting, and otherwise improving the grounds, erecting and repairing buildings and enclosures ; care, subsistence, purchase, and transportation of animals ; necessary employees ; traveling and incidental expenses not otherwise provided for, including not to exceed $2,000 for travel and field expenses in the United States and foreign countries for the procurement of live specimens and for the care, subsistence, and transportation of specimens obtai ned in the course of such travel ; maintenance and operation of one motor-pro- pelled passenger-carrying vehicle required for official purposes ; for the purchase, issue, operation, maintenance, repair, and exchange of bicycles and non-passenger-carrying motor vehicl es, rev olvers , and ammunition ; not exceeding $2,500 for purchasing and supplying uniforms to park police, keepers, and assistant keepers ; not exceed- ing $100 for the purchase of necessary books and periodicals, $225,000, no part of whic h sum shall b e available fo r architect's fees or compensation,