Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/412

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75Ta CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 403-JUNE 29, 1937 STREET AND ROAD IMPRO VEMENT AND RE PAIR For p ersonal servi ces, $251,000, payable from the speci al fund created by sec tion 1 of the Act entitled "An Act to pr ovide for a tax on motor-v ehicle fuels sold within t he District of Co lumbia , and for other purposes", approved April 23, 1924 (43 Stat ., p . 106), and accretions by repayment of assessments . GAS OL INE TAX, ROAD AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND REPAIRS For p aving, repavi ng, grading, a nd otherwise improving str eets, avenues, and roads, including temporary per diem services, survey- ing instruments and implements, and drawing materials, and the maintenance of motor vehicles used in this work, including curbing and gutters and replacement of curb-line trees where necessary, and including trees and parkings, assessment and permit work and the several purposes provided for in that paragraph, as follows, to be paid from the special fund created by section 1 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for a tax on motor-vehicle fuels sold within the District of Co lumbia, and f or other purp oses", approve d April 23, 1924 (43 Stat ., p . 106), and accretions by repayment of assessments : For p aving, repavi ng, and surfac ing, includin g curbing and gut- ters where necessary, the following S out hea st : Branch Avenue, Alabama Avenue to Denver Street, $26,000 ; Southeast : Minnesota Avenue, Pennsylvania Avenue to Twenty- seventh Street, $10,000 ; Northeast : Fenwick Street, New York Avenue to West Virginia Ave nue, $18,000 ; N ort hea st : Fra nklin Street , Mich igan Avenue to Li ncoln Road, $16,500 ; No rthwes t : New Hampshire Avenue, Buchanan Street to . North Capitol Street, $96,000 ; Northwest : For widening t o seventy fee t and repavin g the road- way of Seventeenth Street, from Pennsylvania Avenue to H Street, including the necessary replacement and relocation of sewers, water mains, fire-alarm and police-patrol boxes, $23,500 : Provided, That in widening and repaving this roadway 40 per centum of the entire cost thereof shall be assessed against and collected from the owners of the abutting property in the manner provided in the Act approved February 20, 1931 (46 Stat ., pp . 1197-1199) . The own ers of abuttin g property also shall be required to modify, at their own expense, the ro ofs of any v aults that may be under the sidewa lks or parki ng on said street if it be found necessary to change such vaults to permit of the roadway being widened Southeast : Denver Street, Branch Avenue to Thirty-fourth Street, $15,000 ; Southeast : Sixteenth Street, Ridge Place to Q Street, $10,500 ; Southeast : Nineteenth Street, Minnesota Avenue to P Street, $10,500 ; So uth eas t : R Stre et, Six teenth Street to Sev enteen th Stre et, $8, 300

Southeast : Q Str eet, Si xteent h Stree t to Se ventee nth Str eet, $8 ,300 ; Southeast : Q Street, Nineteenth Street to Minnesota Avenue, $3,800 ; Southeast : P Street, Eighteenth Place to Nineteenth Street, $4,500 ; Southeast : Eighteenth Place, Fairlawn Avenue to P Street, $7,500 ; Northeast : Seventeenth Street, C Street to E Street, $12,000

Northeast : D Street, Seventeenth Street to Eightee nth Street, $9,000 ; Northeast : Eighteenth Street, C Street to D Street, $7,500 ; Street and road im- provement . Personal services ; payable from gasoline tax fund . 43 Stat . 106. Gasoline tax, road and street fund . Paving, etc ., streets and roads from . 43 Stat .106. 387 Improvements des . ignated . Seventeenth Street, N. W. Widening, Pennsyl . vania Avenue to H Street . Proviso . Asse ssment of co st . 46 Stat.1197. Modification of vaults under side . walks, etc . Southeast . Northeast.