Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/416

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391 trict of Col umbia sha ll further require that where repairs are necessary during the four years following the said one-year period, due to inferior work or defective materials, such repairs shall be made at the expense of the contractor, and the bond furnished by th e contracto r shall be l iable for s uch expense . No part of the appropriations contained in this Act shall be used f or the oper ation of a testi ng lab orato ry of the h ighwa ys dep artme nt for making tests of materials in connection with any activity of the District government . WATER SE RVI CE The following sums are appropriated wholly out of the revenues of the water department for expenses of the Washington aqueduct and its appurtenances and for expenses for water department, namely WAS HI NGT ON AQU ED UCT For operation, including salaries of all necessary employees, maintenance and repair of Washington aqueducts and their acces- sories, including Dalecarlia, Georgetown, McMillan Park, first and second High Service Reservoirs, Washington aqueduct tunnel, the filtration plants, the pumping plants and the plant for the pre- liminary treatment of the water supply, ordinary repairs, grading, opening ditches, and other maintenance of Conduit Road, purchase, installation, and maintenance of water meters on Federal services ; purchase, care, repair, and operation of vehicles, including the pur- chase and exchange of one passenger-carrying motor vehicle at a cost not to exceed $650 ; purchase and repair of rubber boots and protective apparel, and for each and every purpose connected there- with, $540,000, including $40,000 for emergency repairs caused by the floods of the Potomac River in March 1936 and April 1937 . No thing herei n sha ll be const rued a s aff ectin g the super inten dence and control of the Secretary of War over the Washington Aqueduct, its rights, appurtenances, and fixtures connected with the same and over appropriations and expenditures therefor as now provided by law . For revenue and inspection and distribution branches : For per- sonal serv ices, $179, 670 . For the maintenance of the water department distribution system, including pumping stations and machinery, water mains, valves, fire and public hydrants and all buildings and accessories, and motor trucks, and motor vehicles such as are now owned, and the replace- ment by p urchase a nd exchang e of the following motor-pro pelled vehicles : One two-passenger coupe and one five-passenger sedan at not to exceed $600 each ; three station wagons at not to exceed $750 each ; one truck at not to exceed $500 ; four trucks at not to exceed $750 each ; one truck at not to exceed $800 ; one truck at not to exceed $3,300 ; and one special truck at not to exceed $3,500 ; and the pur- chase of the following additional motor vehicles : five trucks at not to exceed $750 each ; purchase of fuel, oils, waste, and other materials, and the employment of all labor necessary for the proper execution of this work ; and for continent expenses, including books, blanks, stationery, printing and binding not to exceed $2,500 ; postage, pur- chase of technical reference books and periodicals not to exceed $275, and other necessary items, $7,500 ; in all for maintenance, $367,800, of which not exceeding $5,000 shall be available for operation of pumps at Bryant Street pumping station upon interruption of service from Dalecarlia pumping station . Use for t esting la b- oratory, etc., forbid- den. Water Service . Fr om water rev- enues . Washington Aque . duct . Mainte nance, e tc . , of, and accessories . Meter s on Fed eral services . Emergency repairs . Superintendence of Secretary of War not affected . Revenue inspec ti on an d distrib ution branches. Operating expenses .