Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/437

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412 Lands opened to entry, etc . 34 Stat.233; 37 Stat. 2871 1142; 43 Stat . 1144 . 16U.S.0.°°506- 509,512 . Purchase or acquisi- tion. 36 Stat. 963; 43 Stat . 65 5. 16 U. S. C. °°521,471, 499, 505, 564-5 70 . Proviso. Care of graves of fire fighters . Water rights, inves- ti gation s, et c. Figh ting fores t fir es. Rev es ted Oregon- California lands, etc. 39 Stat. 218. Coo s Bay Wagon Road lands . Forest research. 45 Stat. 699. 16U.S.C.°°581, 581a, 581f-581i . Forest manage- ment . 45 Stat. 701 . Rang e inv estig a- tions . 45 Stat. 701 . Forest products, ex- 5 Stat.701 . Forest survey . 45 Stat. 702. Forest economics. 45 Stat. 702. 75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 404 JUNE 29, 1937 game management plans ; propagation and transplanting of plants suitable for planting on semiarid portions of the national forests ; estim ating and apprais ing of timber and other resources a nd develop- ment and application of plans for their effective management, sale, and use ; examination, classification, surveying, and appraisal of land incident to effecting exchanges authorized by law and of lands within the boundaries of the national forests that may be opened to home- stead settlement and entry under the Act of June 11, 1906 (U . S . C ., title 16, sees . 506-509), and the Act of August 10, 1912 (U. S. C., title 16, see. 506), as provided by the Act of March 4, 1913 (U . S . C ., title 16, sec . 512), and all other expenses necessary for the use, main- tenance, improvement, protection, and general administration of the national forests and lands under contract for purchase or for the acquisition of which condemnation proceedings have been instituted under the Act of March 1, 1911 (U. S. C., title 16, sec. 521), and the Act of June 7, 1924 (U . S. C., title 16, sees. 471, 499, 505, 564- 57 0), $11, 425, 950 : Provided, That $200 of thi s appropriation s hall be available for the expenses of properly caring ~ Washington ; the graves of fire fighters buried at Wallace, Idaho ; Newport, Newport, Washington ; and Saint Maries, Idaho . Water rights : For the investigation and establishment of water rights, including the purchase thereof or of lands or interests in lands o r rights-of-way f or use and protect ion of water righ ts neces- sary or beneficial in connection with the administration and public use of the national forests, $10,000 . Fight ing fore st f ires : For fighting and p reventing forest fires on or threatening the national forests and for the establishment and maint enance of a patro l to prevent tresp ass and to guard against and check fires upon the lands revested in the United States by the Act approved June 9, 1916 (39 Stat ., p. 218), and the lands known as the Coos Bay Wagon Road lands involved in the case of Southern Oregon Companyp against United States (numbered 2711), in the Circuit Co urt of Appeals of the Ninth Circui t, and unappro priated public fores t lands, $100,000 , which amount sha ll be immediately available . Forest research : For forest research in accordance with the pro- visions of sections 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, and 10 of the Act entitled "An Act to insur e adequate suppli es of timber and o ther forest produ cts for the people of the United States, to promote the full use for timber grow- ing a nd other purposes of forest lands i n the United Stat es, includ- ing farm wood lots and those abandoned areas not suitable for agri- cultura l production, and to secure the cor relation and the most eco- nomical conduct of forest research in the Department of Agriculture through research in reforestation, timber growing, protection, utili- zation, forest economics, and related subjects", approved May 22, 1928 (U . S . C ., title 16, sees. 581, 581a, 581f-581i), as follows Forest management : Fir e silvicultural, and other forest inves- tigations and experiments under section 2, as amended, at fo rest experiment stations or elsewhere, $638,403 . Range investigations : Investigations and experiments to develop improved methods of management of forest and other ranges under section 7, at forest or range experiment stations or elsewhere, $225,935 . Fo rest pr oducts : Experiments, inv estigations, and tests of forest products under section 8, at the Forest Products Laboratory, or else- where, $6 28,361 . Forest survey : A comprehensive forest survey under section 9, $220,000 . Forest economics : Investigations in forest economics under sec- tion 10, $121,295 .