Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/475

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450 Beddi ng, sta tioner y, etc. R.S. °3709. 41U.S.C.°5. Clothing and equi- page . Purchase, manufac- ture, etc . Laundries, etc . Repair shops. Toilet kits . Citiz en's out er clot h- ing. Indemnity for de- stroyed clothing, etc . Fuel . Proviso. Laundry charges. Incidental expenses. Living quarters . 46 Stat. 818. 5U.S.C.°118 Recruiting . Rifle competition, fees. Tests, etc. 75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 423-JULY 1, 1937 for harvesting hay on military reservations ; for straw for soldiers' bedding, stationery, typewriters and exchange of same, including blank books and blank forms for the Army, certificates for discharged so ldie rs, and for prin ting dep artm ent orde rs a nd r epor ts $3, 326,6 50 including not to exceed $5,000 for the procurement witfiout regard to section 3709, Revised Statutes (U . S . C., title 41, sec . 5), of port- able stoves or ranges for experimental purposes and tests . Clothing and equipage : For cloth, woolens, materials, and for the purchase and manufacture of clothing for the Army, including retired enlisted men when ordered to active duty, for issue and for sale ; for payment of commutation of clothing due to warrant officers of the mine planter service and to enlisted men ; for altering and fitting clothing and washing and cleaning when necessary ; for operation of laundries, existing or now under construction, including purchas e and repair of laundry mac hinery theref or ; fo r the a ut hor - ized issues of laundry materials for use of general prisoners confined at military posts without pay or allowances, and for applicants for enlistment while held under observation ; for equipment and repair of eq uipment of ex isting dry-cle aning plants, salvage and sorting storehouses, hat repairing shops, shoe repair shops, clothing repair shops, and garbage reduction works ; for equipage, including author- ized issues of toilet articles, barbers' and tailors' material, for use of general prisoners confined at military posts without pay or allow- ances and applican ts for enlistm ent while hel d under obser vation ; issue of toilet kits to recruits upon their first enlistment, and issue of housewives to the Army ; for expenses of packing and handling and similar necessaries ; for a suit of citizen's outer clothing and when necessary an overcoat, the cost of all not to exceed $30, to be issued each soldier discharged otherwise than honorably, to each enlisted man convicted by civil court for an offense resulting in con- finement in a penitentiary or other civil prison, and to each enlisted man ordered interned by reason of the fact that he is an alien enemy, or, for the same reason, discharged without internment ; for indem- nity to officers and men of the Army for clothing and bedding, and so forth, destroyed since April 22, 1898, by order of medical officers of the Army for sanitary reasons, $11,901,320, of which amount not exceeding $60,000 shall be available imme diately for t he procure- ment and transportation of fuel for the service of the fiscal year 19 38, and not exceeding $50,000 shall be available exclusively for increasing the compensation of employees in laundries and dry-clean- ing establishments whose compensation on June 30, 1937, is at a rate of $600 per annum or less or $1 per diem or less

Provided, That

laundry charges, other than for service now rendered without charge, shall be so adjusted that earnings in conjunction with the value pl aced u pon se rvice rende red wi thout charg e shal l aggr egate an amount not less than $50,000 below the cost of maintaining and oper- ating laundries and drycleaning plants . Incidenta l expenses of the Army : Pos tage ; hire of lab orers in the Quartermaster Corps, including the care of officers' mounts when the same are furnished by the Government ; compensation of clerks and other employees of the Quartermaster Corps, including not to exceed $900 for any one person for allowances for living quarters, includ- ing heat, fuel, and light, as authorized by the Act of June 26, 1930 (U . S . C ., title 5, sec . 118a), and clerks, foremen, watchmen, and organist for the United States Disciplinary Barracks ; incidental expenses of recruiting ; for the operation of coffee-roasting plants ; for the payment of entrance fees for Army rifle and pistol teams participating in competitions ; for tests and experimental and devel- opmen t work and sc ientific resea rch to be per formed by the Bureau