Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/527

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502 7 5TH CO NGRES S, 1sT SES SION-C H . 482-JULY 10, 1937 "Beginning at the west corner of this parcel of land, on the Auwaio- limu-K ewalo-u ka boun dary an d on th e north east s ide of Auwaiol imu Street, the coordinates of said point of beginning referred to Gov- ernment survey t riangulation stat ion Punchbowl', being one thousand two hu ndred a nd thir ty and fifty-e ight on e-hund redths feet no rth and two thousand six hundred and seventy-five and six one-hun- dredths feet east as shown on Government Survey Registered Map Numbered 2985 and running by azimuths measured clockwise from true south "1 . Two hundred and thirty-one degrees twelve minutes one thou- sand two hundred and forty-eight and twenty-six one-hundredths feet along the land of Auwaiolimu ; "2. Three hundred and twenty-one degrees twelve minutes eight hundred and sixty feet along Hawaiian Home Land as described in Presidential Executive Order Numbered 5561 ; "3. Thence down along the middle of stream in all its turns and windings along the land of Kalawahine to the north corner of Roose- velt High School lot, the direct azimuth and distance being thirty- three d egrees forty-e ight mi nutes f orty s econds one tho usand o ne hundred and tw elve an d twent y one-h undred ths fee t ; "Thence still down along the middle of stream for the next seven cou rses along the Ro osevelt High Scho ol premises, the d irect azimuth and distances betwee n points in middl e of said stream b eing "4 . Tw enty-th ree deg rees f orty mi nutes t wenty-e ight an d ninet y one-hundredths feet ; "5. Eight degrees no minutes one hundred and fifteen feet ; "6 . Three hundred and thirty-seven degrees fifty minutes forty- eight feet ; "7 . Two degrees thirty minutes sixty feet ; "8 . Forty-nine degrees forty minutes fifty-two feet ; "9. Forty-six degrees six minutes ninety and seventy one-hun- dre dths feet ; "10 . Ninety-two degre es forty-three mi nutes ninety-five and sixty one-hundredths feet ; thence "1 1 . Eight y-three degree s thirt y-eight minut es seve nty-one and sixty-three one-hundredths feet along Territorial land to the north- east side of Auwaiolimu Street ; "12. Thence on a curve to the left with a radius of one thousand o ne hund red and sevent y-six a nd twe nty-eig ht one- hundred ths fee t along the northeast side of Auwaiolimu Street along land described in Presidential Executive Order Numbered 1181, dated March 25, 1910, the direct azimuth and distance being one hundred and sev- enty-two degrees twenty-nine minutes thirty-five seconds one hun- dred and sixty-four and thirty-nine one-hundredths feet ; "13 . Thence continuing on a curve to the left with a radius of one thousand one hundred and seventy-six and twenty-eight one- hundredths feet along the northeast side of Auwaiolimu Street, the direct azimuth and distance being one hundred and sixty degrees fifty minutes forty-eight seconds three hundred and twelve and sev- enty-five one-hundredths feet ; "14. Two hundred and twenty-four degrees fifty-three minutes six hu ndred a nd seve nty and sixty- five o ne-hund redths feet al ong the Quarry Reservation (Territory of Hawaii, owner) ; "15 . One hundred and ten degrees six minutes two hundred and thirty-nine and twenty one-hundredths feet along same ; "16 . Ninety-two degrees five minutes two hundred and two and twenty one-hundredths feet along same ; "17 . Fifty-three degrees twenty minutes three hundred and forty and thirty-four one-hundredths feet along same ;