Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/528

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7 5TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CFI . 4S2-JULY 10, 1937 "18 . One hundred and forty-two degrees thirty minutes four hun- dred and twenty-four and sixty-eight one-hundredths feet along the north east side of Auwaiolimu Str eet to the po int of beginn ing and containing an area of twenty-seven and ninety one-hundredths acres ; excepting and reserving therefrom that certain area included in Tantalus Drive, crossing this land . "(V) Portion of Kewalo-uka Quarry Reservation . Situate on the northeast side of Auwaiolimu Street . "Kewalo-uka, Honolulu, Oahu "Being land reserved by the Territory of Hawaii within the Hawaii Experiment Station under the control of the United States Department of Agriculture, as described in proclamations of the Acting Governor of Hawaii, Henry E . Cooper, dated June 10, 1901 . "Beginning at the northwest corner of this parcel of land and onn the northeast side of Auwaiolimu Street, the coordinates of said point of beginning referred to Government survey triangulation sta- tio n Punchbowl' , being eight hundred and n inety three a nd sixty- six one-hundredths feet north and two thousand nine hundred and thirty-three and fifty-nine one-hundredths feet east as shown on Government Survey Registered Map Numbered 2985 and running by azimuths meas ured clockwis e from true so uth : "1 . Two hundred and thirty-three degrees twenty minutes three hundred and forty and thirty-four one-hundredths feet along the Hawaii Experiment Station under the control of the United States Depart ment o f Agri cultu re ; "2 . Two hundred and seventy-two degrees five minutes two hun- dred and two and twenty one-hundredths feet along same

"3 . Two hundred and ninety degrees six minutes two hundred and thirty-nine and twenty one-hundredths feet along same ; "4 . Forty-four degrees fifty-three minutes six hundred and seventy and sixty-five one-hundredths feet along same to the northeast side of Auwaiolimu Street ; "5 . Thence on a curve to the left with a radius of one thousand one hundred and seventy-six and twenty-eight one-hundredths feet along the nort heast side of Auwaiolimu S treet, the dir ect azimuth and distance being one hundred and forty-seven degrees fifty-one minutes thirteen seconds two hundred and nineteen and fifty one- hundredths f eet ; "6 . One hundred and forty-two degrees thirty minutes one hun- dred and thirty-four and fifty-five one-hundreths feet along the northeast side of Auwaiolim u Street ; "7. Two hundred and thirty-two degrees thirty minutes twenty feet along same ; "8 . One hundred and forty-two degrees thirty minutes seventy-one and fifty-seven one-hundredths feet along same to the point of beginning and containing an area of four and six hundred and forty- six one- thou sand ths acre s . "SEC. 204. (2) . Any available land, including land selected by the Commission out of a larger area, as provided by this Act, as may not be immediately needed for the purposes of this Act, may be returned to the Commissioner of Public Lands and may be leased by him as provided in subdivision (d) of section 73 of the Organic Act ; any lease of Hawaiian homelands hereafter entered into shall contain a withdrawal clause, and the lands so leased shall be with- drawn by the Commissioner of Public Lands, for the purposes of this Act, upon the Commission giving at its option, not less than one nor Portion of Kewalo uka Quarry Reserva- tion. Leased lands . 503 Withd rawal clause modified .