Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/532

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75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CHS . 482, 483-JULY 10, 1937 ap praisa l prov ided f or in paragr aph (1 ) of se ction 209 of this title has been made . SEC . 220. The Commission is hereby authorized directly to under- take and carry on general water and other development projects in respect to Hawaiian home lands, and to undertake other activities having to do with the economic and social welfare of the homestead- ers . The Legislature of the Territory is authorized to appropriate out of the Treasury of the Territory such sums as it deems necessary to provide the Commission with funds sufficient to execute such pr ojects , to c arry o n its admini strati on and mainte nance activi ties, and to accumulate a revolving loan fund of $1,000,000 . The Legis- lature is further authorized to issue bonds to the extent required to yield the amount of any sum so appropriated ." Approved, July 10, 1937 . [CHAPTER 4831 i So in original . 507 Water and other development projects . Legi slatur e auth or . ize d to a ppropr iate necessary funds . Bonds authorized . AN ACT July 10, 1937 To enable the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii to authorize the city and [S. 2621] county of Honolulu, a municipal corporation, to issue sewer bonds .

[Public, No. 201] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Legisla- Hawaii . laa re may an- ture of the Territory of Hawaii, any provision of the Hawaiian tho rize H onolul u to Organic Act or of any Act of this Congress to the contrary notwith- issue sewer bond , . standin g, may autho rize t he cit y and county of Hon olulu, a mun icipal corporation of the Territory of Hawaii, to issue general obligation Amount . bonds in the sum of $1,750,000 for the purpose of enabling it to con- struct main interceptors and trunk lines and to meet its share of expenses for the construction and extension of laterals under improve- ment district assessments for a sanitary sewer system in the city and county of Honolulu . SEC . 2. The bonds issued under authority of this Act may be either m tur aictetc f bonds, term or seria l bond s, mat uring, in th e case of ter m bond s, not later than thirty years from the date of issue thereof, and, in the case of serial bonds, payable in substantially equal annual installments, the first installment to mature not later than five years and the last install- ment to ma ture not later than thi rty y ears from the date of su ch issue. Such bonds may be issued without the approval of the Presi- dent not Approval gared.. dent of the U nited States . SEC . 3. Any legislation enacted by the Legislature of the Terri- ¢51 Conefir~mation of leg- tory of Hawaii in its 1937 session pertaining to the issuance of sewer bonds, as authorized by this Act, is hereby ratified and confirmed subject to the provisions of this Act : Provided, however, That noth- CvOng~s allowed ; ing herein contained shall be deemed to prohibit the amendment of di sposit ion of hal- such Territorial legislation by the Legislature of the Territory of antes . Hawaii from time to time to provide for changes in the improve- ments authorized by such legislation and for the dispostion 1 of unex- pended moneys realized from the sale of said bonds . Approved, July 10, 1937 .