Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/533

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75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CHS . 484, 485-JULY 10, 1 937 [CHAPTER 484] AN ACT July 10, 1937

[s . 2622]

To authorize the Legislatur e of the Territory of Hawa ii to create a public corp o- rate authority authorized to engage in slum clearance and housing undertak- ings and to issue bonds of the authority, to authorize said legislature to provide for financial assistance to said authority by the Territory and its political sub- divisions, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate aM House o f Rep rese ntat ives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Legis- lature of the Territory of Hawaii may create a public corporate authority to engage in slum clearance, or housing undertakings, or both, within such Territory . The Legislature of said Territory may provide for the appointment and terms of the members of such authority and for the powers of such authority, except that such authority shall be given no power of taxation . The legislature may authorize the Territory or any political or municipal corporation or subdivision thereof to make loans, donations, and conveyances and m ake avail able the ir fa cili ties and serv ices to s uch auth ority , an d to take other action in aid of slum clearance or housing undertak- ings, and may, without regard to any Federal Acts restricting the dispo siti on of pub lic lands of the Terri tory , au thori ze t he c ommis - sioner of public lands, the Hawaiian Homes Commissioners, and any other officers of the Territory having power to manage and dispose of its public lands, to grant, convey, or lease to such authority parts of the public domain, and may provide that any of the public domain or other property acquired by such authority may be mortgaged by it as security for its bonds . The Legislature of said Territory may authorize such authority to issue bonds or other obligations of such character and maturity and in such manner as the legislature may provide. Such bonds shall not be a debt of the Territory or any political or municipal corporation or subdivision thereof, shall not constitute public indebtedness within the meaning of section 55 of the Act approved April 30, 1900, entitled "An Act to provide a gov- ernment for the Territory of Hawaii", as amended, and shall not constitute bonds of the Territory of Hawaii within the meaning of the Act approved August 3, 1935, entitled "An Act to enable the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii to authorize the issuance of certain bonds, and for other purposes ." All legislation heretofore enacted by the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii dealing with the subject matter of this Act and not inconsistent herewith is hereby ratified and confirmed . Approved, July 10, 1937 . [Public, No . 2021 Ha waii . Leg islatur e may create public corpor- ate authority to en- gage in slum clearance . Memb ers, pow ers, etc., of authority . Loans, donations, etc., authorized . Bonds. Not to con stit ute pu blic ind ebted ness , etc . 31 Stat. 150 . 48U.S.C.°562. 49 Stat. 516 . 48 U.S.C.,Supp . n, °° 562d, e. Conf irmatio n of Legislature's acts . [CHAPTER 485] July 10, 1937

AN ACT [8 .2652 1 To enab le the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii to auth orize the issuance of [Public, No. 2031

certain bonds, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Territory of Hawaii, any provision of the Hawaiian Organic Act or of any Ac t of thi s Con gres s to the cont rary notw iths tand ing, is a utho rized and empowered to issue bonds in the sum of not to exceed $4,029,000 of the character and in the manner provided in that certain act of the legislature of said Territory, enacted at its regular session of 1937, entitled "An act to provide for public improvements ." Such bonds may be either term or serial bonds, maturing, in the case of the term bonds, not later than thirty years from the date of issue thereof, and, in the case of the serial bonds, payable in sub- Haw aii . Bond issue, amount, purposes, etc . Character of bonds, maturity, payments, etc .