Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/634

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7 5Ta CON GRE SS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 570-AUGUST 9, 193 7 hereafter take the statement of the meters of the several department buildings in the city of Washington, and render to the General Accounting Office the consumption of gas and electricity each month in said buildings respectively . Salaries and expenses, public buildings outside the District of Columbia : For administration, protection, and maintenance, includ- ing improvement, repair, cleaning, heating, lighting, rental of build- ings and equipment, supplies, uiaterials, personal services, arms, ammunition, leather and rubber articles and gas masks for the pro- tection of public property and employees, and every expenditure requisite for and incidental to such maintenance and operation of public buildings outside of the District of Columbia under the juris- diction of the National Park Service, $569,000 : Provided, That not to exceed $5,040 of the amount herein appropriated may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . Salaries and expenses, National Capital parks : For administration, protection, maintenance, and improvement of the Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, Arlington Memorial Bridge, Ge orge Wa sh- ington Memorial Parkway, Federal parks in the District of Columbia, a nd other F ederal la nds author ized by t he Act of May 29, 193 0 (46 Stat ., 482), including the pay and allowances in accordance with the provisions of the Act of May 27, 1924, as amended, of the police force for the M ount Verno n Mem orial High way a nd th e Geo rge Washington Memorial Parkway, and the purchase of one passenger- carrying automobile and operation, maintenance, -repair, exchange, and storage of three automobiles, revolvers, ammunition, uniforms, and equipment, per-diem employees at rates of pay approved by the Director not exceeding current rates for similar servi ces i n the District of Columbia, the hire of draft animals with or without drive rs at local rates appr oved by the Dire ctor, trave ling expens es and carfare, and leather and rubber articles for the protection of public property and employees, $176,000 . OFFICE OF EDUCATION SALAR IES For the Commissioner of Education and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $266,400 . GENERAL EXPENSES For necessary traveling expenses of the Commissioner and employ- ees a cting under his d irect ion, includ ing a ttend ance a t mee tings of educational associations, societies, and other organizations ; for com- pensation, not to exceed $500, of employees in field service ; for purchase, distribution, and exchange of educational documents, m otion -pictu re fi lms, and la ntern slide s ; colle ction , exch ange, and cataloging of educational apparatus and appliances, articles of school furniture and models of school buildings illustrative of foreign and domestic systems and methods of education, and repairing the same ; and other expenses not herein provided for, $16,000 . For making surv eys, studie s, in vestig ation s, an d repo rts r egard ing public, school, college, university, and other libraries ; fostering coordination of public and school library service ; coordinating library service on the national level with other forms of adult edu- cation ; developing library participation in Federal projects ; foster- in Nation-wide coordination of research materials among the more scholarly libraries, inter-State library cooperation, and the develop- ment of public, school, and other library service throughout the 125151¢-37 39 609 Administration, etc ., outside the Dis . trict. Proviso . Services in the D is . trict . National Capital par ks. Salaries and penses . 46 Stat . 482. 43 Stat.174. Vehicles . ex. Miscellaneous ex • penses . Office of Education. Salaries . Commiss ioner, a nd office personnel . General expenses . Travel, attendance at meetings, etc . Libraries of educe- tional institutions . Sur veys , r epo rts, etc ., of.