Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/690

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75 TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CHS . 6 6 3, 664-AUGUST 16, 1937 SEC. 2. The Secretary of Labor may pub lish informat ion relating to existing and proposed labor standards of apprenticeship, and may appoint national advisory committees to serve without com- pensation . Such committees shall include representatives of em- ployers, representatives of labor, educators, and officers of other executive departments, with the consent of the head of any such department . SEC . 3 . On and after the effective date of this Act the National Youth Administration shall be relieved of direct responsibility for the promotion of labor standards of apprenticeship as heretofore conducted through the division of apprentice training and shall transfer all records and papers relating to such activities to the custody of the Department of Labor . The Secretary of Labor is authorized to appoint such employees as he may from time to time find nece ssary for the administratio n of this Act , with regard to existing laws applicable to the appointment and compensation of employees of the United States : Provided, however, That he may appoint persons now employed in division of apprentice training of the National Youth Administration upon certification by the Civil Service Commission of their qualifications after nonassembled examinations . SEC. 4 . This Act shall take effect on July 1, 1937, or as soon there- after as it shall be approved . Approved, August 16, 1937 . [CHAPTER 6641 665 Publication of in- form ati on . Appointment of ad- visory committees . National Youth Ad- ministration relieved of responsibility for promoting standards ; transfer of records . Persona l servi ces . Pro vi so . Employment of present personnel . Effecti ve date . AN ACT August 16, 1937 To authorize the Secretary of Commerce to grant and convey to the State of [H . R . 72781 Washington fee title to certain lands of the United States in Jefferson County,

[Public, No . 309] Washington, for highway purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America i n Congress assembled, That the Secre- tary of Commerce is hereby authorized and directed to grant and convey to the State of Washington the fee title to the following strip of land, being a small port ion of the Qu ilcene (Washin gton) Fish- eries Statio n, certain pr operty of the United States in Jefferson County, State of Washington, same being granted and conveyed to the State of Washington for State highway purposes : A s trip of land containing th irty-six one-h undredths acr e, more or less, in the southwest quarter southwest quarter southeast quarter section 22, township 27 n orth, range 2 west, Washing ton meridian, having widths as hereinafter set forth on each side of the following- described center line of a "road connection", to wit Com mence at the south one-qua rter corner of said section 22 and run easterly along the south line of said section 22 a distance of exactly seven hundred and two feet to an intersection with the center linee of State Road Numbered 9 (Olympic Highway) as now located and of recor d in the offi ce of the Dir ector of Highw ays, Olympia, Washington ; thence along said center line, north thirty-six degrees forty-three minutes east, seven hundred and forty-five and nine- tenths feet to the point of beginning of said "road connection" ; thence south s eventy-six de grees thirtee n minutes west , along the center line of said "road connection", three hundred and forty-eight and one-tenth feet ; thence on the arc of a curve to the left whose radius is exactly nine hundred and fifty-five feet, a distance of one hundred and fifty-eight feet, more or less, to an intersection with the easterly line of the southwest quarter southwest quarter south- State of Washing- ton . Conveyance of cer- tain la nds to, author - ized . Description .