Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/691

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75T H CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CHS . 664, 665-AUGUST 16, 1937 east quarter, said section 22, and the true point of beginning of strip of land being herein described Thence continuing on the arc of said curve to the left a distance of eighty-eight and four-tenths feet, more or less, having a width of fifty feet on each side of said center line ; thence south sixty-one degrees twenty-six minutes west, twenty-three and four-tenths feet, having a width of fifty feet on each side of said center line ; thence on the arc of a curve to the right whose radius is exactly one thou- sand one hundred and forty-six feet a distance of thirty-two and one-tenth feet, having a width of fifty feet on each side of said center line ; thence continuing on the arc of said curve to the right a dis- tance of one hundr ed and seventy -six and six- tenths feet h aving a width of fifty feet on the northwesterly side and thirty feet on the southeasterly side of said center line ; thence south seventy-one degrees fifty-two minutes west, sixty-one and eight-tenths feet to an intersection with the existing road, having a width of fifty feet on the northwesterly side and thirty feet on the southeasterly side of said center line, excepting therefrom the right-of-way of existing road contained therein . Also all that portion of the southwest quarter southwest quarter southeast quarter, said section 22, lying southeasterly of a line drawn parallel to and distant fifty feet northwesterly from the center line of said State Road Numbered 9, said tract of land being of tri- ang ular shape an d existing in the extreme s outheast corn er of the above-described legal subdivision . Approved, August 16, 1937 . AN ACT August 16, 1937 [H.R.74021 To provide more effectively for the marking of wrecked and sunken craft for the [Public, No. 310] prote ction of n aviga tion, to i mprov e the effi cienc y of the L ighth ouse Servi ce, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 4676 of th e Revised Sta tutes, as amen ded, is hereb y amended to read as follows : "SEC . 4676 . Whenever the owner of any sunken vessel, boat, water- craft, raft, or other similar obstruction existing on any river, lake, harbor, sound, bay, or canal or other navigable waters of the United State s has failed to mark, or in the judgment of the Commi ssioner of Lighthouses has failed suitably to mark, the same in accordance with the provisions of section 15 of the Act of March 3, 1899 (ch . 425, 30 Stat . 1152), the Commissioner of Lighthouses is authorized to suitably mark the same for the protection of navigation . Until such time as abandonment of any such obstruction has been established in accordance with the provisions of section 19 of the Act of March 3, 1899 (ch. 425, 30 Stat . 1154), the owner thereof shall pay to the Commissioner of Lighthouses the cost of such marking . As soon as abandonment of any such obstruction has been so established, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of War to keep the same so marked pending removal thereof in accordance with the provisions of section 19 of the Act of March 3, 1899 (ch . 425, 30 Stat . 1154), but the Com- missioner of Lighthouses may at the request of the Department of War con tinue the sui table marking of any such o bstruction for and on behalf of that Department . The co st of contin uing any su ch marking shall be borne by the Department of War . Al l m on ey s re ceived by th e Comm issio ner of Light house s from the o wners of obstructions, in accordance with the provisions of this section, shall Ligh thouse Servi ce . R.S.°4676. 33U.S.C.°736. Marking wrecked and sunken craft for protection of naviga- tion . 30 Stat. 1152 . 33U.S.C.°409. Payment of cost by owner until abandon- me nt . 30 Stat. 1154 . 33U.S.C.°414. Maintenance of warning after aban- donment by War De- partment . Continuance by Lighthouse Service if requested by War Department ; cost . Receipts covered in . [CHAPTER 665]