Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/724

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75TH CONGRESS, 1S«T SESSION-CHS . 700, 701-AUGUST 19, 1 937

699 SEC . 8 . That no institution of learning hereafter incorporated in the District of Columbia shall use in or as its title, in whole or in part, the words "Southeastern University" . SEc . 9 . That nothing in this Act contained shall be construed as preventing the Congress from amending, altering, annulling, or repealing the same or any part thereof . Approved, August 19, 1937 . [CHAPTER 701] Exc lus ive use of title. Amendment, etc . AN ACT August 1 9, 1937 To authorize the exchange of certain lands within the Great Smoky Mountains i11 . R . 54721 National Par k for lands wit hin the Ch ero kee Indian Reservation, North

[Public, No . 3201 Carolina, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Un ited St ates of A meric a in Congrea :s assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized, under such terms and conditions as he may deem prope r, to exch ange a trac t of land o f app roxima tely one tho usand two hundred a nd two acr es, near Smokemont, North Carolina, known as the Towstring tract and forming a part of the Cherokee Indian Reservation, for three tracts of land, totaling approximately one thousand five hundred and forty-seven acres, in the vicinity of Ravensford, North Carolina, known as the Boundary Tree, Ravensford, and Tight Run tracts and forming a part of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, conditioned upon the coil- conditions . sent of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians to this exchange and to the acquisition by the State of North Carolina of a right-of-way . which shall vary in width between two hundred feet and eight hun- dred feet, for the Blue Ridge Parkway across the said reservation, and further conditioned upon payment to the said Cherokee Indians by the said State of North Carolina of such compensation as shall have been determined by the said Secretary as just and reasonable for the said right-of-way . When the foregoing conditions have been complied with, the Secretary of the Interior is hereby further authorized to grant to the State of North Carolina a right-of-way as hereinbefore provided for. SEc . 2 . The consent of the said Cherokee Indians to any proposed exchange and the acquisition of a right-of-way by the State of North Carolina as provided for herein shall be expressed by secret ballot in a gen eral electi on, in which a majority vote in fa vor thereof . Such election to be arranged and supervised by the tribal council within sixty days after the passage of this Act, and the results of such election shall be final . SEc. 3. No exchange shall be consummated pursuant to the provi- sions of this Act unless and until the consent of the State of North Carolina is first had and obtained thereto as indicated by an Act of its legislature . SEc. 4. Upon the consummation of the exchange made pursuant to the provisions of this Act, the lands transferred to the Indians shall be held in trust by the United States for the said Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians and shall be nontaxable and nonalienable the same as the balance of the Indian land of the aforesaid reservation, and the lands transferred to the United States for park purposes 'shall become and be a part of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and shall be subject to the provisions of the Act of Congress approved August 25, 1916 (39 Stat . 535), as amended : Provided, That should any of the exch anged area or pa rkway right -of-w ay her ein d ealt with cease to be used for park or parkway purposes, the title thereto shall revert t o its statu s prior to t he exchange . Approved, August 19, 1937 . Great Smoky Moun- tains National Park, N. C. Exchange of certain lands within, for lands within the Cherokee Ind ian Reservation, authorized . Ri ght -of- way gra nt to State . Consent of Indians to b e determ ined by ballot . Consent by State . Lands transferr ed to Indians to be held in trust ; nontaxable, etc . Ac quis iti ons by United States for park purposes . 39 Stat. 535. 16U.S.C.§1 . Proviso . Reversionary provi- si on