Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/723

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698 Terms of office . Powers and author- ity of board declared . Corpo rate power s, etc . Income, use of . No religious, etc ., qualifications . 75 TH CON GRESS, 1ST SES SIO N-CH . 70 0- AUG UST 19, 193 7 three equal classes, the first class for the term of one year, the second class for the term of two years, and the third class for the term of three years ; the respective original terms of office of any additional trustees shall be such as to equalize said three classes, as far as possible ; and the successors to each said class of trustees shall severally hold office for the term of three years, so that the term of office of one class shall expire annually . SEC. 4. That the said board of trus tees is authorize d to (a) make, alter, and repeal bylaws for the management of the said corporation and rules and regulations for the government of the university and the "schools", faculty, and students thereof ; (b) elect as officers of the said corporation and fix the salaries of a president, a treasurer, and a secreta ry, and such othe r officers as it m ay find necessary , for the respective terms and with the respective powers and duties as fixed by the bylaws of the said corporation ; (c) appoint, from among their number, as officers of the said board of trustees and fix the salaries of a chairman, a vice chairman, and a secretary, and such o th e r off ice rs as it may find necessary, f or the respective terms and with the respective powers and duties as fixed by the bylaws of the said corporation) (d) remove any trustee when, in its judgment, he shall be found incapable, by age or otherwise, of performing or dischar ging, or shall ne glect or refuse to perform or disch arge, the duties of his office ; (e) determine and establish from time to time additional "schools" in all departments of sciences, liberal arts, and the professions, and the courses of instruction therein ; (f) determine and establish, from time to time, additional professorships ; (g) appoint, from time to time, such deans, professors, tutors, and instructors as it may deem necessary, and fix their respective terms, duties, and salaries ; and (h) grant and confer degrees, but only upon the recommendation of the appropriate "school" . SEC . 5. That the said corporation may have and use a common seal and alter and change the same at pleasure, and shall have power, in its corporate name (a) to sue and be sued ; (b) to plead and be impleaded ; and (c) to acquire real, personal, and mixed property by gift, grant, purchase, bargain and sale, conveyance, will, devise, bequest, or otherwise, to hold, use, and maintain the same solely for the purposes of education, and to demise, let, mortgage, or other- wise lien, grant, sell, exchange, convey, transfer, place out at interest, or otherw ise dispose of the same for its use in such manner a s shall seem most beneficial thereto ; subject to conforming to the express conditions of the donor of any gift, devise, or bequest with regard thereto accepted by it ; provided it shall not hold more land at any one time than necessary for the purposes of education, unless it shall have received the same by gift, grant, or devise, in which case it shall sell and dispose of so much of the same as may not be neces- sary for said purposes within fifteen years from the date of acqui- sition, otherwise the same shall revert to the donor or his heirs . SEC. 6. That the income of the said corporation from all sources whatsoever shall be held in the name of the corporation and applied to th e maint enance , endow ment, p romotio n, and advance ment o f the said university and the said Young Men's Christian Association of the city of Washington, subject to conforming to the express condi- tions of the donor of any gift, devise, or bequest accepted by the said corporation, with regard to the income therefrom . SEC. 7. That no pers on shall ever be required to profe ss any par- ticular rel igious denominatio n, sentiment, or opinion as a condi tion to be coming and co ntinuin g a mem ber of the fac ulty or a stu dent, with the full benefits, privileges, and advantages thereof .