Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/722

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75T H CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CHS. 699, 700-AUGUST 19, 1937 [CHAPTER 6991 AN ACT To authorize the construction of bridges in Caddo Parish, Louisiana . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress as sembled, Tha t t he co nse nt of Congress is hereby granted to the State of Louisiana, the Louisiana Highway Commis sion, and/or to the Parish of Caddo, Lou isiana, and they are jointly and severally authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway brid ge and approa ches thereto o ver each of the following- named streams at the follo wing places in the Parish of Caddo, Louisiana, to wit 1 . A bridge across Cross Bayou at Shreveport, Louisiana; 2 . A bridge across Twelve Mile Bayou approximately three miles north of Shreveport, Louisiana; 3 . A bridge across Caddo Lake at or near Mooringsport, Louisiana; all to be located along the proposed relocation of the State Highway Route Number ed 8, betwe en Shr evepor t, Lou isian a, and R odessa, Louisiana, at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, and according to the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters", approved March 23, 1906, and subject to all conditions and limitations contained in this Act . SEc . 2 . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly rese rve . Approved, August 19, 1937 . [CH APT ER 70 0] AN ACT Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the certificate o f in corp orat ion and cert ific ate of a mend ment the reto for the inc or- porati on of the So uthea stern Unive rsity of th e Young Me n's Christian Association of the District of Columbia under subchapter 1 of chapter 18 of the Code of Laws of the District of Columbia (1929 D . C. Code, title 5, ch . 8) be, and the same are hereby, approved and conf irme d, e xcep t as her ein spec ific ally alt ered and ame nded . SEC . 2 . That th e name of the corporation s hall be "Sout heastern University" . SEC . 3 . That the management of the said corporation shall be vested in a board of trustees consisting of not less than nine nor more than twenty-one in number as determined from time to time by said board of trustees, one-third of whom, at all times, shall be graduates of the said university, of the qualifications prescribed by the board of managers of the Young Men's Christian Association of the city of Washington, a corporation organized and existing under and by v irtue of the Act of Congre ss approved Ju ne 28, 1864 (13 Stat . L. 411 and the Acts amendatory thereof), nominated by the alumni of the said university in the manner prescribed by said board of manag ers, and all of whom shall be elected by said board of managers; that C . C. Caywood, A . W . Defenderfer, L . W. DeGast, Charles Krey, George A. Lewis, George W . Offutt, John Poole, James P. Schick, H . Randolph Barbee, James A . Bell, Harvey T . Casbarian, and D . Roland Potter shall act as and constitute the first board of trustees under this Act and shall be classified with respect to the time for which they shall severally originally hold office into 697 August 19, 1937 [S . 2882] [Public, No . 318] Caddo Parish, La . Bridge construction authorized at places designated . Construction . 34 Stat . 84. 33U.S.C.1i491- 498. Amendment . Augu st 19, 1937 For the relief of the Southeastern University of the Young Men's Christian [H . R .3408] Association of the District of Columbia. [Public, No . 319] District of Colum- bia . Southeastern Un i- versity of the Young M en's C hristi an As- sociation; incorpora- tion, etc ., approved . 31 Stat.1280. Name . Board of trustees; membership, qualifi- cations, etc . 13 Stat .411 . F irst board of trustees .