Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/83

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75 TH CON GRESS, 1sT SESSION-CHS . 69, 72-APRIL 6, 9, 1937 other purposes, the sum of $2,000,000 is hereby authorized to be ap prop riate d, t o be made imm edia tely avai labl e and rem ain avail able until expended ; and there are hereby authorized to be appropriated such additional sums as may be necessary to replenish the fund to its original amount at the beginning of each fiscal year : Provided That such appropriations shall be administered by the Bureau o~ Entomology and Plant Quarantine and shall be used for expendi- tures of general administration and supervision, surveys, purchase, transportation, and application of poison baits or materials and equipment for control of insect pests or plant diseases, including gra ssho pper s, Mo rmon cri ckets , an d ch inch bugs , or for the prep ara- tion of such materials for application, and such other expenses as in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture may be deemed neces- sary : And provided further, That no part of such appropriations shall be used to pay the cost or value of farm animals, farm crops, or other property injured or destroyed . Approved, April 6, 1937 . Additional sums for annual replenish- ment of fund . Prov isos . Administration . Use restricted . [CHAPTER 72] JOINT RES OLUTI ON April 9, 1937 IS . J. Res. 661

Providing for the participation by the United States in the Greate r Texas [Pub. Res., No. 21] '

and Pan American Exposition to be held in the State of Texas during the year 1937. Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United Greater Texas and States of Ame rica in Congress ass embled, That there is hereby Pan American Expo- sition .

established a Commission, to be known as the United States Greater Commi ssion esta b- lis he d; composition, Texas and Pan American Exposition Commission (hereinafter propose, etc • Ante, pp .19,55.

referred to as the Commission) to be composed of the Vice President , the Secretary of State, the Secretary of A g riculture, and the Secre- tary of Commerce ; which Commission shall serve without additional compensation and shall represent the United States in connection with the holding of the Greater Texas and Pan American Exposition in the State of Texas during the year 1937 . crac ommis sione r e 1eII SEC. 2 . There is hereby created a United States Commissioner General for such exposition, to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, who shall serve without sePay mestafof expen- compensation . The expenses of said Commissioner General and the salary and expenses of such staff as he may require shall be paid out of the funds made available by this joint resolution for a period of time covering the duration of the exposition and not to exceed a six months' period following the closing thereof, and for such period prior to the opening of the exposition as the Commission shall determine . Dutie s and powe r- of Commissioner Gen-

SEC. 3 . The Commission shall prescribe the duties of said Com- eral m missioner General and shall delegate such powers and functions to him as it shall deem advisable, in order that there may be exhibited at such exposition by the Government of the United States, its execu- tive depar tments , ind epend ent o ffice s, and esta blish ments such artic les and materials and documents as will best tend to illustrate the func- tions and administrative faculty of the Government in the advance- ment of in dustry , sci ence, inve ntion , agri cultu re, t he ar ts, an d pea ce, and demonstrate the nature of our institutions, particularly as regards their adaptation to the needs of the people . Personnel; appoint- went, salaries, etc .

SEC. 4 . The Commissioner General is authorized to appoint such clerks, stenographers, and other assistants as may be necessary and 5U.S.C.§§661674. to fix their salaries in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, purchase such materials, and contract for such labor and other services as are necessary, and exercise such powers as are delegated to him by the Commission .