Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/874

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849 Cheboygan Harbor, Michigan ; House Document Numbered 134, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Saginaw River, Michigan ; Ri vers and Harbors Committee Do cu- ment Numbered 21, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Put in Bay, Ohio ; House Document Ntmibered 13 2, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Rocky River Harbor, Ohio ; House Document Numbered 70, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Cleveland Harbor, Ohio ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Docu- ment Numbered 84, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Fa ir po rt H ar bo r, Oh io ; Rivers and Harbors Committee D ocument Numbered 79, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Ashtabula Harbor, Ohio ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Docu- ment Numbered 78, Seventy-fourth Congress ; San Diego Harbor, California ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Docum ent Numbered 89, Seventy-fourt h Congress ; Newport Bay, California ; Senate Commerce Committee Docu- ment, Seventy-fifth Congress ; San Francisco Harbor, California ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 12, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Sacramento River flood control, California ; Senate Commerce Committee Document, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Humboldt Bay and Harbor, California ; Rivers and Harbors Com- m ittee Docu ment Numb ered 11, Seven ty-fi fth Congr ess ; Cre scent City Har bor, Calif orni a ; Sen ate Comm erce D ocume nt, S even ty-fi fth C ongr ess ; San Joaquin River, California ; Rivers and Harbors Docum ent Numbered 15, Seventy-fifth Congress ;

sniann Suisun Channel, California ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Docti- Calif . ment Numbered 97, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Old River, California ; House Document Numbered 151, Seventy- fi fth Cong ress ; Yaquina Bay and Harbor, Oregon ; Senate Commerce Committee Document, Seventy-fifth Congress ; De Poe Bay, Oregon ; House Document Numbered 202, Seventy- fifth Congress ; Skipanon Channel, Oregon ; House Document Numbered 20 1, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Columbia River between the mouth of the Willamette and Van- couver, Washington ; Rivers and Harbors Co mmit tee D ocume nt Numbered 81, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Columbia and Lower Willamette Rivers, below Vancouver, Wash- ington, and Portland, Oregon ; House Document Numbered 20 3, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Westport Slough, Oregon ; Hou se Doc ume nt Num ber ed 79, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Elokomin Slough, Washington ; House Document Numbered 510, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Columbia River between Vancouver, Washington, and Bonneville, Oregon ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 94, Seven ty-f ourth Cong ress ; Bellingham Harbor, Washington ; Rivers and Harbors Committee D ocument Numbered 70, Seventy-f ourth Congress ; Olympia Harbor, Washington ; Rivers and Harbors Document Numbered 75, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Tacoma Harbor, Washington ; Rivers and Harbors Document Numbered 91, Seven ty-fourth Congress ; Sitka Harbor, Alaska ; House Doc ument Numbered 268, fifth Congress ; 12.5151-37 54 Committee Committee Committee Committee Seventy- Cheboygan, Mich . Saginaw River, Mich . Put in Bay, Ohio . Rocky River, Ohio . Cleveland, Ohio . Fairport, Ohio . Ashtabula, Ohio . San Diego, Calif . Ne wpor t Bay, Calif. San Francisco, C alif, Sacramento Rivez flood control, Calif . Humboldt Bay and Harbor, Calif . Crescent City, Calif. San Joaquin River, Calif . Channel, Old River, Calif . Yaquina Bay and Harbor, Oreg . De Poe Bay, Oreg . Skip anon Chan . nel, Oreg . Co lumb ia Rive r, Wil lamette Rive r to Vancouver, Wash . Co lum bia and Lower Willamette Rivers below Van- couver, Wash ., and Portland, Oreg . Westport Slough, Oreg . E loko min Slou gh, Wash . C olum bia Rive r, Vancouver, Wash ., to Bonneville, Oreg . Bellingham, Wash . Olympia, Wash . Tac oma, Wash . Sitka, Alaska .