Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/888

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75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 866-AUGUST 28, 1937 on the date of the withdrawal shall not be affected by this Act Provided further, That this section shall not apply to lands within any reclamation project heretofore authorized in any Indian reservation . " (b) (1) Th e order of the Depa rtment of the Inter ior signed , dated, and approved by Honorable Ray Lyman Wilbur, as Secre- tary of the Interior, on October 28, 1932, temporarily withdrawing lands of the Papago Indian Reservation in Arizona from all forms of mineral entry or claim under the public land mining laws, is hereby revoked and rescinded, and the lands of the said Papago Indian Reservation are hereby restored to exploration and location, under the existing mining laws of the United States, in accordance with the express terms and provisions declared and set forth in the Execu- tive orders establishing said Papago Indian Reservation : Provided, That damages shall be paid to the superintendent or other officer in charge of the reservation for the credit of the owner thereof, for loss of any improvements on any land located for mining in such a sum as may be determined by the Secretary of the Interior to be the fair and reasonable value of such improvements : Provided further, That a yearly rental not to exceed 5 cents per acre shall be paid to the superintendent or other officer in charge of the reserva- tion for deposit in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Papago Tribe for loss of the use or occupancy of any land with- drawn by the requirements of mining operations . "(2) In the event any person or persons, partnership, corporation, or association desires a mineral patent, according to the mining laws of the United States, he or they shall first pay to the superintendent or other officer in charge of the reservation, for deposit in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Papago Tribe, the sum of $1 per acre in lieu of annual rental, as hereinbefore provided, to compensate for the loss of the use or occupancy of the lands with- drawn by the requirements of mining operations ; but the sum thus deposited, except for a deduction of rental at the annual rate herein- before provided, shall be refunded to the applicant in the event that patent is not acquired : Provided, That an applicant for patent shall also pay to the superintendent or other officer in charge of the said reservation for the credit of the owner thereof, damages for the loss of impro vements no t thereto fore paid, in such a sum as m ay be determined by the Secretary of the Interior to be the fair value thereof. "(3) Water reservoirs, charcos, water holes, springs, wells, or any other form of water development by the United States or the Papago Indians shall not be used for mining purposes under the terms of this Act, except under permit from the Secretary of the Interior approved by the Papago Indian Council : Provided, That nothing herein shall be construed as interfering with or affecting the validity of the water rights of the Indians of this reservation : Provided fur- th er , That t he ap propr iation of l iving water here tofore or h ereaf ter affected by the Papago Indians is hereby recognized and validated subject to all the laws applicable thereto . "(4) Nothing herein contained shall restrict the granting or use of permits for easements or rights-of-way ; or ingress or egress over the lands for all proper and lawful purposes ; and nothing contained herein, except as expressly provided, shall be construed as authority for t he Se creta ry of the I nterio r, or any other perso n, to issue or promul gate a rul e or r egula tion in con flict with the E xecut ive or der of February 1, 1917, creating the Papago Indian Reservation in Arizona or the Act of February 21, 1931 (46 Stat . 1202) ." Approved, August 28, 1937 . 863 Lands in redatna- tion projects . Or der wi thdr awi ng lands from mineral entry, etc ., revoked . Provisos . Payment for loss of improvements . Annual rental . Mineral patents . Deposit in lieu of rent for loss of use, etc . Refun d, if p atent not acquired . Proviso . Payme nt by a ppli- cant for damages for loss of improvements . Wat er develop- ments, restriction on use . Provisos . Rights of Indians not affected . Appropriation of liv- ing water . Rights-of-way, etc ., not re stri cted . 48 scat . 1202.