Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/91

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66 April 15, 1937 [S. 16841 [Public, No. 361 Pennsylvania . Issue of duplicate check to T reasurer of, in lieu of lost original . R, S. § 3646. 31 L. S. C.§528. April 15, 1937 [H.R.42861 [Public, No. 371 Postage on matter for the blind . Special rates on cer- ta in public ations pr o- vided . [CHAPTER 107] April 16, 1937 [S.14411 To authorize the establishment of a permanent instruction staff at the United [Public, No . 381

Sta tes Co ast Gu ard Ac ademy . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States is authorized, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate to appoint not to exceed five professors to the Unit ed Sta tes Coa st Guar d as he ads of the dep artment s of in struc- tion at the Coast Guard Academy . An original appointment as professor not made from a civilian instructor or regular commis- sio ned officer in the Un ited State s Coast Gu ard shall be a tempo rary appointment; but a professor so appointed, after completion of a satisfactory probationary period of two years, may be regularly appointed as professor to rank from the date of his original appoint- ment : Provided, That any person who has served as a civilian instruc- tor in the Coast Guard Academy for fifteen years or more may be appointed to the office of professor in the Coast Guard Academy pursu ant to thi s section without ph ysical exam ination . SEC . 2. A professor in the Coast Guard shall be a commissioned officer with rank not above that of commander and shall receive the pay and allowances of a commissioned officer of the same rank and length of service . When a ny su ch pr ofess or is commi ssion ed wi th, rank less than that of commander, he shall be promoted through the successive ranks to a rank not above that of commander under U. S. Coast Guard Academy. Appointment of heads of departments . Original appoint- ments, probationary peri od . nrosiso. Appointment of cer- tain instructo rs with- out examination. Professors; rank, pay, and allowances . 75 TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CHS . 103, 104, 107-APRIL 15, 16, 1937 [CHAPTER 103] AN ACT For the relief of the State of Pennsylvania . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That notwithstand- ing the provisions of section 3646, as amended, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, the chief disbursing officer of the Treasury Department is authori zed and di rected to issue, wit hout the r equire- ment of an indemnity bond, a duplicate of original check numbered 65451, symbol number 79088, drawn January 25, 1935, in favor of "State Treasurer of Pennsylvania, trust fund", for $11,315 .93 and los t, stolen, or misca rried in the mails . Approved, April 15, 1937 . [CHAPTER 104] AN ACT To provide special rates of postage on matter for the blind . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That magazines, periodical s, and othe r regularl y issued p ublication s in raise d char- acters, whether prepared by hand or printed, or on sound-reproduc- ti on records (for the use of the blind), w hich contai n no adver tise- ments, when furnished by an organization, institution, or association not conducted for private profit, to a blind person, at a price not greater than the cost price thereof, shall be transmitted in the United States mails at the postage rate of 1 cent for each pound or fraction thereo f, un der s uch r egulat ions as th e Pos tmast er Gen eral may prescribe . Approved, April 15, 1937 . AN ACT