Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/928

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903 [CHAPTER 8981 AN ACT September 1, 1937 To regulate commerce among the several States, with the Territories and posses- [H . ii. 76671 sions of the United States, and with foreign countries; to protect the welfare of

[Public, No . 4141 consumers of sugars and of those engaged in the domestic sugar-producing industry; to promote the export trade of the United States; to raise revenue; and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Sugar Act of 1937 . United States o f America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the Sugar Act of 1937 . TITLE I-DEFINITIONS

Title I-Deflaidons . SECTION 101 . For the purposes of this Act, except title IV-

(Title 1V excepted .) (a) The term "person" means an individual, partnership, cor- "Person ." pora tion, or associ ation . (b) The term "sugars" means any grade or type of saccharine "Sug&S • " product derived from sugarcane or sugar beets, which contains sucrose, dextrose, or levulose . (c) The term "sugar" means raw sugar or direct-consumption sugar. (d) The term "raw sugar" means any sugars which are prin- "Raw sugar ." cipally of crystalline structure and which are to be further refined or improv ed in qualit y, and any s ugars which are pr incipa lly no t of crystalline structure but which are to be further refined or otherwise improved in quality to produce any sugars principally of crystalline structure . cc


"Direct-consume • (e) The term direct-consumption sugar means any sugars which tion sugar .¢ are principally of crystalline structure and which are not to be further refined or otherwise improved in quality . (f) The term "liquid sugar" means any sugars (exclusive of "Liqui d sugar ." sirup of cane juice produced from sugarcane grown in continental United States) which are principally not of crystalline structure and which contain, or which are to be used for the production of any sugars principally not of crystalline structure which contain, soluble nonsugar solids (excluding any foreign substances that may have been added) equal to 6 per centum or less of the total soluble solid s . (g) Sugars in dry amorphous form shall be considered to be phu 9fo rm . dry am¢ principally of crystalline structure . " (h) The "raw value" of any quantity of sugars means its equiva- lent in terms of ordinary commercial raw sugar testing ninety-six sugar degrees by the polariscope, determined in accordance with regulations to be issued by the Secretary . The principal grades and types of sugar and liquid sugar shall be translated into terms of raw value in the following manner (1) For direct-consumption sugar, derived from sugar beets Grades and t ypes . and testing ninety-two or more sugar degrees by the polariscope, by multiplying the number of pounds thereof by 1 .07; (2) For sugar, derived from sugarcane and testing ninety- tw o suga r degr ees by the p olaris cope, by mul tiplyi ng the numbe r of pounds thereof by 0.93; (3) For sugar, de rive d fr om s ugarc ane and test ing more than ninety-two sugar degrees by the polariscope, by multiply- ing the number of pounds thereof by the figure obtained by adding to 0.93 the result of multiplying 0 .0175 by the number of degrees and fractions of a degree of polarization above ninety-two degrees;