Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/929

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"Total tent ." "Quote." "Produ cer ." " Secret ary ." Title II-Quota pro . visions. Annual determina . tion of requirements . B asis. a nger co n- "In clu ding " and "include ." Consumer safe- guards . 75 TH CONG RES S, 1sT SESSION- CH 898--SEP TEMBER 1, 1 937 (4) For sugar and liquid sugar, testing less than ninety-two sugar degrees by the polariscope, by dividing the number of pounds of the "total sugar content" thereof by 0.972 . 5 T he Secretary may establish rates for t ranslating su gar an liquid sugar into terms of raw value for (a) any g rade or type of sugar or liquid sugar not provided for in the foregoing and (b) any special grade or type of sugar or liquid sugar for which he determines that the raw value cannot be measured ade- quately under the provisions of paragraphs (1) to ( 4), inclusive, of this subsection (h) . (i) The term "total sugar content" means the sum of the sucrose (Clerget) and reducing or invert sugars contained in any grade or type of sugar or liquid sugar . (~) The term "quota", depending upon the context, means (1) that quantity of sugar or liquid sugar which may be brought or imported into the continental United States, for consumption therein, during any calendar year, from the Territory of Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Vir i n Islands, t he Commonweal th of the Phi lippine Islan ds, or a foreign country or group of foreign countries ; (2) that quantity of sugar or liquid sugar produced from sugar beets or sugarcane grown in the continental United States which, during any calendar year, may be shipped, transported, or marketed in interstate com- merce, or in competition with sugar or liquid sugar shipped, trans- ported, or marketed in interstate or foreign commerce ; or (3) that quantity of sugar or liquid sugar which may be marketed in the Territory of Hawaii or in Puerto Rico, for consumption therein, durin g any calend ar year . ( k) The term "producer" me ans a person who is the l egal owner, at the time of harvest or abandonment, of a portion or all of a crop of sugar beets or sugarcane grown on a farm for the extraction of sugar or liquid sugar . (1 ) The terms " including" a nd "include" shall not be deemed to exclude anything not mentioned but otherwise within the meaning of the term defined . (m) The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Agriculture . TITLE II-QUOTA PROVISIONS Sxc . 201 . The Secretary shall determine for each calendar year the amount of sugar needed to meet the requirements of consumers in the continental United States ; such determinations shall be made during the month of December in each year for the succeeding calendar year and at such other times during such calendar year as the Secretary may deem n ecessa ry to meet s uch re quirem ents . In making such determinations the Secretary shall use as a basis the quantity of direct-consumption sugar distributed for consumption, as indicated by official statistics of the Department of Agriculture, during the twelve-month period ending October 31 next preceding the calendar year for which the determination is being made, and shall make allow- anc es for a de ficien cy or surpl us in inven tories of s ugar, and c hanges in consumption, as computed from statistics published by agencies of the Federal Government with respect to inventories of sugar, population, and demand conditions ; and in order that the regulation of commerce provided for under this Act shall not result in excessive prices to consumers, the Secretary may make such additional allow- ances as he may deem necessary in the amount o f sugar dete rmined to be needed to meet the requirements of consumers, so that the supply of sugar made available under this Act shall not result in average prices t o consumers in excess of those necessa ry to mainta in the