Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/948

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IV laskn--Continlleci_ Salmon fi~hinlt, Bristol Bay, ~.",idl'nc.- requirements _________ _ Shipping, license tax on, C{'rtaill pro\'i- mons repealed ____________ _ Sitka Cold Storage Co., COnVl'YlIlIl'C of certain land to _______ __ _ - Unicameral legislAture, referl'ucllllll a~ to establishment provided ___ . __ _ Alaska Communication System, appropria- tion for operation, ('tc _____________ _ Alaska Railroad Retirement and Disability hnd, appropriation for ___________ _ Albania, appropriation for minitlt.('r to ___ _ Albany, N. Y., examination of w:lfA'rway from, to Srhellcctady, N. Y ., author- ized ______________________ , ___ __ _ Albert Gallatin, statue of, Wa!;hiItKton, D. C ., aell'ction of !lite nnd t'J"('dilll\ d pedestal authoriz('d _______ . ___ _ . _. _ Appropriation aut,horized ________ . . Albrook Fteld, C_ Z ., appr(Iprillti(", f,'r improvements __________ _ _ __ __ .__ _ Albaquerque, N. Mex., approprilltinTl for education of IndilUlR _____________ , Alc.tra. Island, Calif., appropriation for penitentiary at___________ . ______ . Alcobol Administration, Federal. ul>propri- ation for ________________________ _ Alcobollc Beverage Control Act. Amend- ments. See District of Columbia. Alderson, W. Va., appropriation for Fed- erallndustrial Institution for Women_ Alfaro, Olmedo, admission to U. S. Mili- tary Academy ____________________ _ Aliens. See aUo Citizenship and Nat,urali- zation; Immigration and Naturaliza- tion Service. Deportation of, who secured preference. or non-quota visas by ~ontract-ing marriage to fraudulently expedite adznhmion ______________ . ____ . __ _ Girl Guides and Girl &outs Silver Jubi- lee Camp, temporary entry of }lllr- ticipants ______________________ _ Illegally-entercd, restriction on employ- ment under Emergency R('licf Ap- propriation Aet of 1937 _________ _ Nonresident, tax on income_ _____ ___ __ Removal at Government expense of cert&in, applying for deportation; ineligibility for readmission _. ___ ." World War veterans, naturalization of certain, residing in United States, ett.ension of privilege ___________ _ Allegheny River, time extended for bridg- ing, at Pittsburgh, PL ____________ _ ABe.e Creek, Tex., examination author- ~----------------------------- - Al8eaRlyer,Oreg.,cJo:1<milJatiolJ Buth"ri:l.('IL I NPlolX P.~. i Alvart'z, (;en. Higinio, approprint-inn 1111- P _ \ 1 t Iiorizl'd for plI-ytm·nt. t -o Mpxi('o for 1i3!l a('('olltlt of. _. ______ . ________ . ___ . _ 13\ ,\ ppropriatioll ft)r ___ . _ ...._____ if\!! 407 Ambassadors. appropriat,ilJn for "abril'" oL ____ . ______ , _____________ . ___ 26.1 ti.'i2 American and Philippine Expert", Joint Committee of. appropriut ion for _____ 228 f\64 American Battle l\-fonuments Commission: Appropriation for _ _ _ __ _ ______ ___ __ __ 331) lil5 World War memoria"', Enrop(', clt'lli - cationCXPI'Il!<f'ft________________


332 Amerifan Chemical Sodety, incorporation 263 of________________________________ 798 Effl'ctive ctate____ ___ ___ __ __ ______ ___ g(1O American Embassy Drafts, appropriation R5t for intt'rcst payments nn certain_ _ __ 7ti9 American Ephemeris and Nautical Al· manac, appropriation for prepnratioll 260 oL _____ . ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ 1I6 261 American Ethnology, appropriation for I Tl'.8('arehe!l, ete_____________________ 342 452 American Histol'kal Association, appro- I priation fur p"inting rl'port of. _ . ___ _ 343 5~;J American International Institute for the Protection of Childhood, appropna- 281 t.ioll for Cl1ll1 riIlution. ___________ . __ 21i7 - \mcrican Island, S. Da.k., com;tnletion of 144 tourist cabins, alllllsctnl'nt-, (!t<•• , facil- H ip:4 on, hi Ch:unlwrluin, 8uthoriz('d _ 1)2:~ Am('rifan Legion Museum, Newport News, Va., loan or p;ift to, of Wurlc! War 2~,1 relics at Fort EUstil<, VIL., authorized. 252 American 011 Co., payment (If judgment- 219 303 American Printing Hoase (or the Blind. annual authorized appropriation in- (' r (' a ~ f' ( L _________________________ • 7·H Appropriation for ______ ___ ___ ______ 155. 775 American States, Eighth International Conference of, Lima, Peru, appro- priation for participation expE'nl'C!i_ _ _ 27 I 164 American Telephone and Telegrapb Com- pany Investigation. Sl'e Federal Com- tnunications ColluuiSl!ion. 484 Amo)" China, snle of lot lIitulI.tcd at, au- thorized_ _____ ___ __ ___________ ___ _


Anacostia River. appropn.'\tion for settle- 354 mcnt of iaJiCl claims along "hore of _. 763 830 Anastasia Island IJghthouse Reservation, Fla., dispoRal of portion of, am('nd- mcnt to Aet providing for__________ 64 164 r:t. A up;lI"tino, conveyance of portion to_ 65 Andote River, Fla., examination author- ized______________________________ ~~ 743 Animal Industry, Bureau of. Sec Agricul- ture, DepartlUf'llt of. 245 Annapolis, Md.: Appropriation f<'t· engineering experi- ~.'i4 ment station ____ . ________ 103 ~80 Na\'al Academy at. SCl' ~1I\'al A(·ncll'my.