Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/949

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l~l>EX Annette Island Reserve, Alaska. appro- I'~Ke pruLtion fOL ____________________ 222, ii~G A.nuities. See Railroad Retircml'nt Act of 1937. A.thoR)' Wayne. See Ceneral Anthony Wayne Memorial Commission. Antietam, Battle or, coinagp. of 50-cent piec('8 to commcmorate :mnivcrsnry. authorized ______________________ . allti Antitrust Laws, Amendment, resale }Jri("P maintenance <'IIllt:-acts h·gnlized wlll'l"I.' hwful in illtrnsl:\.te tr!lJu;nl'tiolls_ _ _ r,!I;J . ,Illlachicola Bay, "·Ia., ill1pro\'(>01I<'lIt of intracoastal watcrwny frolll, to Snint Marks Rivcr, I·la ______________ .__ S-li Apalaehieola River, Fla., examinatioll aut.h,dzcd_____________________ _ S;,:l Apprentices, !Qrmubtiou and }Jrornution of bbur standards for, by Department of Labur ________________________ . _ 66·1 .\ ppropriation Acts: Agriculturt', Department of___ __ _ __ _ _ 395 Ch'ilian Conservation Curps, Railroad Retirement Account, etc______ 4fi9 Commerce, Department ilL ______ . _


))efidency Acta- Fiscal year ) 937, First. _ _ 8 Fiscal year 1937, Second_ _ _ 213 .'iscal year 1937, Third _____ 755 District of Columbia____ _ ___ _ _ 359 Emergency Relief, 1937___ 352 Emergent appropriations, fiseal Yl'ar 1937__ ____ __ __ . 135 _Exl.cnsion of Apprupriatiuns Act, 193M_ 468 Continuance of, last half of July 1937_ 514 (o'aTllI Credit Administration_ _ __ _ _ 433 IndeJA:lldent Offices_____ _ _ _ _ __ _ 329 Interior, Dcpartllll'nt of. _ 56.. JUt;tice, Dcpartment of.. 273 I.abor, Dcpartment of _ _____ _ 297 Legislative Branch of tho Go\"cruUlellt _ 169 Military AppropriaUon Act_ ___ 442 Navy Department_ 96 Post Office DepartlUelit. l;i5 State, Departnll'ut of _ 2til TI.!8Sury Department .1_ _ __ 13i War DC}Jartlllcnt.. ___ 442,:'1;; War Department Civil ApPwI.riutioll Act_____________________ _ _ 515 Appropriations: Acddcnt Prev~'ltion Conferell(,c, author- ized ___________________ . ' 1;31 Appropriation for ______ _ _ _____ __ 762 ! Agricultural extension work, extcDllio;, of, to Puerto Rico, authorized ____ . SSI Abmeda, Calif., acquisition of site aile! development, Naval Air Statioll_ .. 110 Alaska reindeer industry, 1,roservatiuJl of native character, uuthorizt.>d .. _ _ _ 902 Appropriations-Cont.inued. PIIC8 Albert GaUatill. pedestal ~JJtI JlI"\:par&- tion of "it-t ' fur Nt.~tuc of, authori:l:oo_ 261 American Emull&'Y drafts, payment of interest 011 certain_ ______________ 76g Arid and semiarid llrea..", water conser- vatiun, etc., authuri:&cd ______ __ _ __ 870 Baukhead-Joll!':I FarlU '1\'1lI\1I t Act, au- thorized,.. ___ __ __________ 5~ ~ 5:.!:). 521; Appropriation fur ____ . _. _____ _ . _._ 7ti~ Blind, lulu!t, increase ill UlIlIUal al'l'ft)- "ritltiun for books (or. uu t"orb·.! _ 72 CI\!)itwt Gorge, Cu!Ulnuia i{i\', 'r, hydr.. - dcctric power survcys, autllorilA.'d_ t>:'J8 ApFropriatiou for ________ .. _ _ __ 764 C!llIlP Stall!~'Y, Tex., impru\'ewe'lt uf alllhlllIlitiull stor!\jl;e facHitic<!, au- t hori;lCd __________________ • ___ _ 166 AplJfI'priatioll for _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ 452 Cauada, payment to, f,)r accouut uf Jalll·t Hardc3IStle Ross, allthorizc..i. lao Appropriation for_________________ 76'1 Charles Carroll of Carrullton Biccnte- lIary Comnli&;ioll_. ___ __ __ _ ____ ___ 10 Chill:, paYlIlcut to, for acco,lIIt of Enri- qucta Koch v. dc JcallltCret, author- ized _________________ __ __ __ .. _ 130 Appro)lriation for _______ • __ 769 China, paymcllt to, fur 1l("'UIIHts of cer- tain citizells, l.Iuthori~cd_ _ ____ _ lao, 131, 132, 133 Appropriation fur _ _ _ _ _ __ .. _______ 768 Civilian Conservatiun Corps, author- ized_ _ _______ ______ __ ___ ____ _ 32"l Appropriation for _______ ' __ ___ _____ 470 Cohan, George M., medal. _ _ 231 Cooperative Farm Forestry Act, author- ized.. _______ ___ _ _ 18~ Crop productiun loans, 1937, allthor- ized_.__________________ 7 Appropriation for _ _ _ _ 1t Delaware Valley Tcrcclltellary r:<lIumLi- siou _. _____________ . _______ 272 District of C.,lulllbia- Airport COIlllllissioll_ ______ _ __ _ _ _ 10 Boiler inspection and regulatioll ____ • 11 '}ominicall Republic, payment til, for accuunt of Mercedes Martinez Viuda de Sanchez, authorizcd_ __ __ 132 Appropriation for ______ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ 769 Ellsworth, Lillcoln, medal _______ . ____ _ 231 Fishillp; illdll,;try, purchas(.' alld dis- trilmtioll of pru!lucts of, authorized _ 27 J·'unds made available for ________ . __ 61 Fort Niagara, N. Y ., reconstructiuu ex- penses, authurized _____________ . _ 128 Appropriatioll fur _____ _ __ __ __ _____ _ 452 Frat\ce, paymcnt to, for acruullt of Henry Borda)", authori~ctL_______ 219 I\ppropriation fur ______ _ _ _ ___ __ __ __ 768