Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/984

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XL Great Britain-Continued. Moosa, N. J ., appropriation allthorizcd for payment 88 indemnity for in- juries to_________ . __ _ Appropriation for _______ .. __ ._____ Richardson, Samuel, appropriation au- thorized for payment for account ofestateof-_________ . - - - - - - _- . ,. Appropriation for _______ - ___ - - .. _- Shanghai Electric Constructioll Com- pany, Ltd., appropriation author- ized for paymcnt for account of __ _ Appropriation for ________ .. _____ .__ Greater Texas and Pan American Ex. position. Dallas. Tex.: Dutiable articles imported for exhibi- tion purposes admitted free; reg- ulations __________________ . . _ . __ Im·itation t.o Canada and Pan American Republics to particil,ate __ - ______ _ Participation by United States- Commission established, composition_ Commissioner Geueral and assillt- ants, appointment, salaries, powers; other personalscrviccs_ Contributions, acceptance of. __ _ _ __ _ Cooperation by Government depart- ments _______________________ _ Expenditures authorized __________ _ Report to Congrell8_ ________ _____ _ Termination of CommitiSion _______ _ Transfer of certain contracts entere1i into by Texas Centennial Com- mission _____________________ _ Unexpended balances, use of _____ _ Great KIlla. Staten Island, N. Y ., exalll;ila- tion authorized ___________________ _ Great Lakes. examination of coasts of, authorized _______________________ _ Great Lakes Expo8ltion: Dutiable articles imported for exhibi- INDEX Page Green 8&)' Harbor, Wis., improvement au- 129 7118 134 768 129 768 55 19 58 thorized _________________________ _ Greenlawa Cemeter),. Indianapolis. lad.. sule of Confederate Lot authorized__ Greenport Harbor. N. Y ., improvement authorized_______________________ _ Grt!envale (Fairweather) Creek. Va., ex- amination authorized _____________ _ Greenville, Mi88.. bridge authorized across Mississippi Riverat __________ _ Greenville, TeL, acquisition of land near, hy Department of At(riculture ______ _ Greenwich Harbor. Conn., examination authorized _______________________ _ Gregor),. WUUam V.• payment to widow of. Gretna, La., time extended for bridging Mississippi River, to New Orleans__ _ Groveland, Mas8, bridge authorilled across Merrimack River, to HaverhilL Grover, N. C•• lease of quarters for post office oontinued _________ . __ _ __ _ __ _ _ Guam, appropriation for care of lepers; trallsfe~ to Culion, P. L ____________ _ 58 Guanics Lighthouse Reservati\ln. P . R ., 60 exchange of, for adjacent land_______ _ Guatemala. appropriation for minister to_ 59 Gua),.ne8 Harbor. Puerto Rico. improve- 59 61 meetauthorized___ ---------------- Gua),aniDa Harbor. Puerto Rico. exami- 61 nation authorized _________________ • Gutre), Coal Act. See Bituminous Coal Act of 1937. 60 Gull Cout, appropriation for survey elt- 60 penses ___________________________ _ 852 Gulfport Harbor. Mi8s.. examination au- thorized_________________________ _ Gunter8ville Dam, appropriation for COIl- tinuing COIl8truction _______________ _ 855 G)',.)' and Browa-Tall Moth Coatrol. tion pUrpose8 admitted free_ _____ 240 appropriation for _________________ _ Participation by united States con- tinued, 1937 ____________________ 61 Appropriation authorized_ _______ ___ 62 Appropriation for _____________ 215, 758 Great Lakes. DI •• appropriation for naval training 8tation __________________ _ Great Oa),:1 Cave. K),., exclusion froOl Mammoth Cave National Park, authorized _______________________ _ Great Smok)' Mountaln8 Nation... Park. N. C. ·Tean.; Appropriation for administration, etc __ Exchange of certain lands within, for land within Cherokee Indian Res- ervation _______________________ _ Greece. appropriation for minister to ___ . GreeD 8&)' and Mi88issippi Caaat Co., re- linquishment of easement granted by_ 98 871 604 699 263 5'17 H Hai" Che8ter R., payment of claim _____ _ Hai1i, appropriation for minister to_____ _ Halibut Act. See Northern Pacific Hali- but Act of 1937. Hampton Harbor, N. a, examination of inland waterway between Merrimack River, Masr.., and, authoriJed______ _ Ham.pton Road8. Va.. examination author- ized _____________________________ _ Hancock, Md., bridge authorized across Potomac River at _________________ _ Hanna, Gustava, payment to___________ _ Harlem luver and Bronx Kill8, N. Y.. ex - amination authorized ______________ _ Ha8keD 1n8titute, LawreDce. Kans., ap- propriation for education of Indians_ Pap t:.48 616 845 852 745 408 851 9 631 168 842 97 694


855 292 854 217 417 18 263 851 853 476 272 ,,,51 582