Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/745

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RUMANIA-PARCEL POST garch12, 1937 August10,1937 pr6cedente doit etre mentionne sur la premiere feuille de la nouvelle annee. 8. La mode exacte d'avis des colis ou des recipients les con- tenant exp6dies par l'une des Administrations en transit par l'autre, ainsi que tous les details en connexion avec la maniere d'avis de tels colis ou recipients non pr6vus par cet Arrangement, sera r6gl6e d'un commun accord par voie de correspondance entre les deux Administrations. ART. 7. V&rification par les bureaux d'echange. 1. A la reception d'une d6peche le bureau d'6change destinataire procede a sa verification. Les inscriptions sur la feuille de route doivent etre v6rifiees exactement. Chaque erreur ou omission doit etre portee imm6diatement A la connaissance du bureau d'echange exp6diteur au moyen d'un bulletin de verification. Une d6peche est consid6r6e comme ayant Wte trou- vee en ordre a tous egards, lorsqu'il n'est pas dresse de bulle- tin de verification. Si l'on constate une erreur ou une irregularit6 A la reception d'une depeche, toutes les pieces pouvant servir de preuves ail'appui en vue de recherches ulterieures ou de 1'examen de demandes d'indemnite doivent etre conser- v6es. 2. Le bureau d'echange expe- diteur auquel un bulletin de v6ri- fication est envoy6 doit le ren- voyer apres l'avoir examine et y apporte ses observations even- tuelles. Ce bulletin est alors annexe aux feuilles de route des colis auxquelles il se rapporte. Les corrections apportees a une feuille de route qui ne sont pas appuy6es par des documents sont considerees comme nulles et non avenues. 3. Si necessaire, le bureau d'- change expediteur peut de meme etre avis6 par t6elgramme, aux frais de l'Office expediteur de tel telegramme. year must be mentioned on the first bill of the following year. 8. The exact method of advis- ing parcels or the receptacles con- taining them sent by one Admin- istration in transit through the other together with any details of procedure in connection with the advice of such parcels or recep- tacles for which provision is not made in this Agreement, shall be settled by mutual agreement through correspondence between the two Administrations. ART. 7. Verification by the Exchange Office. 1. Upon the receipt of a dis- patch, the exchange office of des- tination proceeds to verify it. The entries in the parcel bill must be verified exactly. Each error or omission must be brought im- mediately to the knowledge of the dispatching exchange office by means of a bulletin of verification. A dispatch is considered as having been found in order in all regards when no bulletin of verification is made up. If an error or irregularity is found upon receipt of a dispatch, all objects which may serve later on for investigations, or for exam- ination of requests for indemnity, must be kept. 2. The dispatching exchange office to which a bulletin of veri- fication is sent returns it after having examined it and entered thereon its observations, if any. That bulletin is then attached to the parcel bills of the parcels to which it relates. Corrections made on a parcel bill which are not justified by supporting papers are considered as devoid of value. 3. If necessary, the dispatching exchange office may also be ad- vised by telegram, at the expense of the Office sending such tele- gram. 1653 Verification by ex- change office.