Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/760

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES Dispatch given through error. cada, salvo acuerdo en contrario entre las Administraciones intere- sadas. 2. Si no obstante lo dispuesto por el inciso f), por error u otra causa, llegare a darse curso a los envios a que el mismo se refiere, las Administraciones de los paises de destino quedan facultadas para entregarlos a sus respectivos desti- narios, si asi lo autoriza su legisla- ci6n interna, mediante los requisi- tos que la misma sefale; y en caso contrario, seran devueltos a la Administraci6n de origen. ARTICULO 16 Servicios especiales Las altas partes contratantes podran, sobre la base de acuerdos especiales o por correspondencia, hacer extensivos a los demas paises de la Uni6n Postal de las Americas y Espafia los servicios postales que realicen o puedan, en lo future, establecer en el interior de sus respectivos paises. ARTICULO 17 Frangueopagado Los paises contratantes tendran la facultad de adoptar el «Fran- queo pagado, para el envlo de diarios o publicaciones peri6dicas, abiertos o en paquetes, incluso los de propaganda o reclamo pura- mente comerciales, siempre que para estos ultimos no se aplique una tarifa reducida. ARTICULO 18 F6rmulas de servicio enviadas por correo aereo Las f6rmulas previstas en el Reglamento de ejecuci6n del Con- venio Postal Universal para los pedidos de retiro o modificaci6n de direcci6n, asi como las relativas a las reclamaciones de cualquier objeto de correspondencia, podran ser encaminadas por la via a6rea. istered correspondence, in the ab- sence of agreement to the contrary between the Administrations con- cerned. 2. If, notwithstanding the pro- visions of paragraph (f), dispatch is given, through error or other- wise, to the articles referred to therein, the Administrations of the countries of destination are authorized to deliver them to their respective addressees if their do- mestic legislation permits, subject to the requirements provided for thereby; otherwise, the articles will be returned to the Adminis- tration of origin. ARTICLE 16 Special services The high contracting parties may, on the basis of special agree- ments or by correspondence, ex- tend to the other countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain such postal services as they carry on or may in the future establish within their respective countries. ARTICLE 17 Postagepaid service The contracting countries will have the option of adopting the Postagepaid service for the trans- mission of newspapers or periodi- cal publications, open or m bun- dles, including those for propa- ganda or purely commercial adver- tising, provided that a reduced rate is not applied to the latter. ARTICLE 18 Service forms sent by air mail The forms provided for in the Regulations of Execution of the Universal Postal Convention for requests for return or change of address, as well as those relative to inquiries about any article of correspondence, may be sent by air mail. Special services to other countries. postage paid serv- le. Service forms sent by air mail. 49 Stat. 2873. 1668