Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/761

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AMERICAS AND SPAIN-POSTAL RELATIONS-DECEMBER 22, 1936 Tales f6rmulas solamente ten- dran curso, en el servicio aereo, cuando sean incluidas en un sobre debidamente franqueado como co- rrespondencia aerea,quedando para tal fin las Administraciones con- tratantes autorizadas a cobrar los portes y sobreportes necesarios para ese franqueo. Las f6rmulas asi transmitidas llevarin la menci6n alusiva corres- pondiente en la parte superior de su anverso. Seran consideradas como de carlcter urgente y ten- dran por lo mismo preferente tra- tamiento entre las Administra- ciones interesadas. ARTICULO 19 Idioma oficial Se adopta el espafiol como idioma oficial para los asuntos relativos al servicio de Correos. No obstante, los paises cuyo idioma no fuere 6ste, podran usar el propio. ARTICULO 20 Such forms will be forwarded by air mail only when they are inclosed in an envelope duly prepaid as airmail correspondence, the Administrations being author- ized to collect, for that purpose, the postage and surcharges neces- sary for such prepayment. The forms so transmitted will bear a note relative to the fact at the top of the front. They will be considered as urgent in char- acter, and will therefore be given preferential treatment by the Ad- ministrations concerned. ARTICLE 19 Official language Spanish is adopted as the official language for matters relative to the postal service. Nevertheless, countries whose language is not this may use their own. ARTICLE 20 Protecci6n e intercambio de funcio- Protection and exchange of postal narios postales functionaries 1. Las Administraciones de los paises contratantes estaran obli- gadas a prestarse entre si, previa solicitud, la cooperaci6n que ne- cesiten sus empleados encargados del transporte de correspondencia en transito por tales paises, e igualmente, proporcionarfn toda clase de facilidades a los funcio- narios que una de dichas Adminis- traciones acuerde enviar a cual- quiera otra, para levar a cabo estudios acerca del desarrollo y perfeccionamiento de los servicios postales. 2. Las Administraciones, por in- termedio de la Oficina Internacio- nal de Montevideo, se pondran de acuerdo para efectuar entre ellas, anuahnente, un intercambio de funcionarios de similar categoria, con un periodo de permanencia de dos meses, como mfximo. 1. The Administrations of the contracting countries will be ob- liged to lend mutually, upon request, the cooperation required by their employees charged with the transportation of correspond- ence in transit through such countries, and likewise will furnish all manner of facilities to such functionaries as one Administra- tion may agree to send to any other to carry on studies regarding the development and perfection of postal services. 2. The Administrations, through the intermediary of the International Office of Monte- video, will come to agreements to effect an annual exchange of functionaries of similar grades, for a period of stay not exceeding two months. Official language. Cooperation in transportation of cor- respondence. Exchange of func- tionaries. 1669