Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 51.djvu/286

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [Translation] MINISTRY FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS POLITICAL DIVISION PARIS, February 18, 1937. MR. AMBASSADOR: Being desirous of further clarifying the principles animating the exchange of notes between M. Poincar6 and Ambassador Herrick, dated at Paris, respectively, on November 2, 1923,' and December 18 of the same year,' the High Commissioner of the French Republic in Syria and the Lebanon formulated a decree, No. 292/LR, which was issued on December 20, 1934, a copy of which is enclosed; this text makes certain clarifications with respect to the rights and privileges of free importation for educational, religious and philanthropic insti- tutions in the States under Mandate. My Government would welcome the comment of the American Government on the provisions of this decree and their effect on the American interests envisaged in the exchange of notes above referred to. Please accept, Mr. Ambassador, the assurances of my very high consideration, YVON DELBOS His Excellency The Honorable WILLIAM C. BULLITT, Ambassador of the United States of America, Paris. [Enclosure-translation] CUSTOMS Decree of French DECREE NO. 292/LR High Commissioner DECREE NO. 292LR of December 20, 1934, carrying exemption from customs duties for importations made by religious communities, evangelical missions, educational establish- ments and philanthropic institutions The High Commissioner of the French Republic, In view of the decrees of the President of the French Republic under date of November 23, 1920, and July 16, 1933, In view of the Ottoman customs regulations of December 31, 1910, In view of Decrees Nos. 1734 of December 22, 1922, 1228 of May 13, 1927, 1711 of December 20, 1927, and 2045 of July 27, 1928. DECREES: ARTICLE 1. Exemption from customs duties is accorded, under the conditions and with the reservations provided for in the above texts, to the articles and products limitatively described below, imported by religious communities, evangelical missions, educational establish- ments and philanthropic institutions: ' Not printed. 284