Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 51.djvu/411

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INDEX F Federal Credit Union Act, Amendments: Corporate powers- Investments in Federal savings and loan associations -------------- Loans to other credit unions-------- Credit problems, etc., studies of ------ Provision of facilities by employers -_ - Supervision, reports and examinations_ - Taxation, exemption; exception -- --- Fire Prevention Week, 1937, designation of Florida: Pan American Exposition, Tampa, countries of the Americas invited to participate-- --------------- St. Marks Migratory Bird Refuge, amendatory regulation -- __ ---- -- France, agreement with, concerning cus- toms privileges in Syria and the Leb- anon

--------------- -----

Free City of Danzig, arrangement with Poland effecting adherence of, to agreement respecting mutual recog- nition of ship measurement certifi- cates between the United States and Poland--------------------------- G General Pulaski Memorial Day, 1937, designation of--------------------- Georgia, Chattahoochee National Forest, lands set apart ------------------ Gold Star Mother's Day, 1937, designa- tion of---------------------------- Good Offices and Mediation, Inter-Ameri- can treaty ----------------------- Greece: Establishment, treaty of----.....

Interpretation of Article I of treaty of extradition of May 6, 1931, agree- ment with respect to----------- H Highway, Pan American, Inter-American convention . ---- ----- ----- ----- --- Holland. See Netherlands. House of Representatives. See Congress. I Inter-American Treaties: Artistic exhibitions------------------ Controversies, prevention of ---------- Cultural relations, promotion of --- Existing treaties between the American States, coordinate, extend and assure the fulfillment of --------- Good offices and mediation---------- Page 4 4 4 5 4 4 395 402 404 279 329 396 404 394 9( 23( 357 15' 20i 6f 17. 11 9( nter-American Treaties-Continued. Page Non-intervention ..----------------- 41 Pan American Highway ----------- 152 Peace, maintenance, preservation and reestablishment of--------------- 15 International Agreements Other Than Treaties. See also Treaties. Air navigation, Irish Free State ----- 319 Claims, Turkey----------------- 353, 359 Commercial relations, Italy ---------- 361 Customs privileges in Syria and the Lebanon, France----------------- 279 Exchange of official publications- Chile ------------------------- - 331 Mexico--------------------------- 311 Extradition, Greece, interpretation of Article I of treaty of May 6, 1931 357 Parcel post, the Netherlands -------- 295 Radio licenses, exchange of information concerning issuance of, Canada- __ 314 Ship measurement certificates, arrange- ment with Poland effecting ad- herence of Free City of Danzig to agreement between United States and Poland-------------------- 329 International Convention for Promoting Safety of Life at Sea, amendment - 13 Irish Free State, arrangement with, respecting air navigation ----------- 319 Italy, arrangement with, concerning com- mercial relations------------------ 361 L Labor Dispute Board, creation of, Pacific Electric Railway -------------- Lebanon, The, agreement with France concerning customs privileges in, and Syria --------------------------- Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1938, appropriations for mileage made immediately available ------- Licenses, Radio, agreement with Canada regarding exchange of information concerning issuance of------------ Los Angeles, Calif., Pacific Mercado (International Exposition), foreign nations invited to participate------ 400 279 5 314 399 M Mediation, Good Offices and, Inter- American treaty- --------------- Mexico, agreement with, concerning ex- change of official publications ----- Migratory Bird Treaty Act, closed area, Florida, amendatory regulation -- Mileage, Congress, appropriations made immediately available ------------- 90 311 404 5 I