Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 51.djvu/412

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INDEX N Navigation, Air, arrangement respecting, with Irish Free State ------------- Netherlands, parcel post agreement - - - New York, Statue of Liberty National Monument, area enlarged---------- Non-Intervention, Inter-Anierican, addi- tional protocol relative to --------- 0 Official Publications: Agreement concerning with- Chile-------------- Mexico------------- Page 319 295 393 41 exchange of, 331 311 P Pacific Electric Railway, labor dispute board created-------------------- Pacific Mercado (International Exposi- tion), Los Angeles, Calif. , foreign nations invited to participate------ Pages, appropriation for payment of, sec- ond session, Seventy-fifth Congress_ Panama Canal: Rates of toll prescribed ----------- Amendment---------------------- Rules for measurement of vessels ----- Pan American Exposition, Tampa, Fla., countries of the Americas invited to participate----------------------- Pan American Highway, Inter-American convention----------------------- Pan American Treaties. See Inter-Amer- ican Treaties. Parcel Post, agreement with the Nether- lands----------------------------- Peace, maintenance, preservation and reestablishment of, Inter-American convention ----------------------- Poland, arrangement with, effecting ad- herence of Free City of Danzig to agreement respecting mutual recogni- tion of ship measurement certificates between the United States and-------- Proclamations: Armistice Day, 1937---------------- Chattahoochee National Forest, Ga., lands set apart----------------- Columbus Day, 1937 --------------- Congress, extra session, 1937 -------- Domestic animals straying across bound- ary line, time extended for return, free of duty-------------------- Egypt, suspension of certain jurisdiction of American extraterritorial courts- Fire Prevention Week, 1937 -------- General Pulaski Memorial Day, 1937-- 400 399 371 393 372 402 15; 29, 1 32 40 40 39 39 40 39 39 or' 'roclamations-Continued. Gold Star Mother's Day, 1937-------- Migratory Bird Treaty Act, closed area, Florida, amendatory regulation __ Pacific Electric Railway, labor dispute board created ----------------- Pacific Mercado (International Exposi- tion), Los Angeles, Calif., foreign nations invited to participate--- Panama Canal- Rates of toll prescribed------------ Amendment -------------------- Rules for measurement of vessels --- Pan American Exposition, Tampa, Fla., countries of the Americas invited to participate ------------------ Pulaski Memorial Day, 1937 - ------ St. Marks Migratory Bird Refuge, Fla., amendatory regulation -_---- __. Statue of Liberty National Monument, N. Y ., area enlarged ------- -- Thanksgiving Day, 1937------------ Protocols. See Treaties. Publications, Official: Agreement concerning exchange of, with- Chile----------------------- Mexico ------------------------ Pulaski Memorial Day, 1937, designation of------------------------------ R Radio Licenses, agreement with Canada regarding exchange of information concerning issuance of------------ Rules for the Measurement of Vessels for the Panama Canal---------------- S Safety of Life at Sea, multilateral conven- tion, amendment ..-------------- St. Marks Migratory Bird Refuge, Fla., amendatory regulation------------ Senate. See Congress. Ship Measurement Certificates, arrange- ment with Poland effecting adherence of Free City of Danzig to agreement for mutual recognition of, between United States and Poland---------- Statue of Liberty National Monument, N. Y., area enlarged--------------- Syria, agreement with France concerning customs privileges in, and the Leba- non------------------------------ T Tampa, Fla., Pan American Exposition, countries of the Americas invited to no*oin*-ot.- --- ---- --- -- III Page 394 404 400 371 393 372 402 396 404 393 401 331 311 372 13 404 329 393 279 402 | N1'UV-l/Ar-Alvl-.Wk- - -- - -
