54 STAT.] 76TH CONG. , 3D SESS.-CHS. 893, 894-OCT. 17, 1940 SEC. 10. Veterans Regulation Numbered 11 (U. S . C., title 38, ch. 12, appendix), promulgated under the Act of March 20, 1933 (Public, Numbered 2, Seventy-third Congress), is hereby amended by adding a new paragraph thereto numbered "III", to read as follows: "III. The provisions of Veterans Regulation Numbered 11 shall apply to all claims under any of the laws administered by the Vet- erans' Administration: Provided,That the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs may release information, statistics, or reports, to individuals or organizations when in his judgment such release would serve a useful purpose." SEC. 11. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, except as provided in section 19 of the World War Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended, and in section 817 of the National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940, the decisions of the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs on any question of law or fact concerning a claim for benefits or pay- ments under this or any other Act administered by the Veterans' Administration shall be final and conclusive and no other official or any court of the United States shall have power or jurisdiction to review any such decisions. SEC. 12. Where any veteran suffers or has suffered an injury, or an aggravation of any existing injury, as the result of having sub- mitted to an examination under authority of any of the laws granting monetary or other benefits to World War veterans, and not the result of his misconduct, and such injury or aggravation results in addi- tional disability to or the death of such veteran, the veteran or his dependents shall be entitled to the same benefits as are provided for those who suffer an injury or an aggravation of any existing injury as a result of training, hospitalization, or medical or surgical treat- ment under the provisions of section 31 of Public Law Numbered 141, Seventy-third Congress March 28, 1934. No benefits under this section shall be awarded unless application be made therefor within two years after such injury or aggravation was suffered, or such death occurred, or after the date of enactment of this Act, whichever is the later date. Approved, October 17, 1940. [CHAPTER 894] AN ACT For the protection of the water supply of the town of Petersburg, Alaska. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rcpr'esentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the tract of land hereinafter described, situated in the Tongass National Forest in the Territory of Alaska, is hereby reserved from all forms of loca- tion, entry, or appropriation, whether under the mineral or nonmin- eral land laws of the United States, and set aside as a municipal water- supply reserve for the use and benefit of the people of the town of Petersburg, a municipal corporation of the Territory of Alaska as follows, to wit: Beginning at corner numbered 1, from which the quarter section corner between sections 2 and 3, township 59 south, range 79 east, Copper River meridian, bears west forty chains; thence along the top of a divide south fourteen degrees west one hundred and twenty-three and twenty one-hundredths chains to corner num- bered 2, at the place where a side ridge intersects the main divide; thence along the top of the main divide south fifty-two degrees east ninety-three and sixty one-hundredths chains to corner numbered 3, located on top of a prominent unnamed peak from which the south- east corner of section 14 township 59 south, range 79 east, bears 1197 48Stat. 8. 38U.S.C. 5701- 721; Supp. V, § 701- 718. Disclosure of infor- mation. Proviso. Release, if serving useful purpose. Finality of deci- sions exceptions. 43 btat. 612 . 38U.8.C.§445; Supp. V, § 445. Ante, p. 1014, § 617. Uniformity in pay- ment of benefits for specified injuries. 40 Stat. 526 . 38 U.S. .I §601a. Timeforapplication limited. October 17, 1940 1[II.. . 9173 '['ulic, No. 8671 Petersburg, Alaska. Designated land set aside as municipal water-supply reserve. Description of tract.