Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1273

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INDEX Agriculture, Department of-Continued. Page Appropriation for-Continued. Rural rehabilitation, etc ----------- 614 Secretary, Office of the ----------- 532 Rent of buildings, D. C --- --- -- _ 534 Soil Conservation Service -------- _ 55. Solicitor, Office of-. ----------- -- 534 Special Research Fund ------------- 537 Sugar Act of 1937 -------------- 56 Surplus commodities, disposal of__ - 563 Weather Bureau. See Commerce, Department of. Appropriations, interchange of ------ - 567 Arlington Farm, Va.- Appropriation for reestablishment, etc., authorized --------------- 1219 Appropriation for-------. _ _-- --- - 1046 Transfer of jurisdiction to War De- partment -- _ ----- ---- .- - 1046, 1219 Central storehouse, use of------------ 534 Cleveland National Forest, Calif. , pur- chase of lands for soil-erosion con- trol, etc., authorized---- -------. 297 Appropriation for---------------.-- 549 Commodity Credit Corporation- Loans by, authorization of certain; repayment, etc------ _- -- -- -- _ 728 Obligations, authorized aggregate amount -------------------- _ 782 Cotton prices, prediction by employees, restriction ---------------------- 533 De Soto National Forest, Miss., transfer of land for military purposes ------ 773 Emergency relief funds, projects for which available ------ _---- ------ 614 Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Bureau of- Barberry eradication, State, etc., cooperation-------

553 Indemnity for destroyed property, restriction ---------------- 553 Blister rust control, restriction on payment of indemnity for de- stroyed property-------- ----- 552 Buildings, limitation on cost-------- 551 Certification of exports, disposition of receipts from--------------- 554 Citrus canker eradication, restriction on payment of indemnity for destroyed property ------------ 552 Dutch elm disease eradication, State, etc., cooperation ------------- 552 Indemnity for destroyed property, restriction ---------------- - 552 Foreign plant quarantines, disposition of receipts from operations----- 554 Phony peach and peach mosaic eradication, restriction on pay- ment of indemnity for destroyed nronertv---------------------- 552 Agriculture, Department of-Continued. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Bureau of-Continued. Sweetpotato weevil control, State cooperation in -- _- -- -- -- -- Indemnity for destroyed prop- erty, restriction -- _------- Expenditures, etc., report of, in Budget_ Farm Credit Administration- Examination of banks, etc., assess- ment for expenses.---....---- Liability of employees for fraud of borrowers -- -- -- Purchases without advertising----. - Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations au- thorized---_ ---_ ___ ___ ___ -__ __ Farm Security Administration- Extension of, until June 30, 1941- _ - Farm units on public lands under reclamation projects, develop- ment of-...----__----....... Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, transfer of funds for advances to producers ---------- -

_ Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation- Capital stock, repayment of excess subscriptions -------------- Payments to, on account of reductions in interest rate on mortgages --. Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations au- thorized ---- _.-------__--_ Federal Surplus Commodities Corpora- tion, consolidation into Surplus Mar- keting Administration -_ _- - -- _- - Flood control, transfer of funds from War Department for surveys in con- nection with --------. . .. .. . .. .. Food and Drug Administration, trans- fer to Federal Security Agency; func- tions excepted - _------------ Forest roads and trails, limitation on cost of buildings --

Forest Service- Buildings, limitation on cost__-. . .. Contracts, etc., exemption of certain, from deposit in General Account- ing Office ------------. ... . -- Direct purchases authorized --- --- Equipment, rent of, to other Federal agencies- - -- -------- --------- Graves of firefighters, funds avail- able for care of--

Lands withdrawn for water-supply protection, reimbursementfor loss of revenues from -- --------- Schools and roads, basis of expendi- turesfor, from sales of forest prod- ucts------------------------- III Page 551 551 534 569 569 1109 60 615 402 727 573 1045 60 1232 507 1237 549 545 398 546 546 547 225 547 A·

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