Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1274

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Agriculture, Department of-Continued. Forest Service-Continued. Warehouse maintenance, etc., funds available for----------------- Grain Standards Act, amendment, es- tablishment of standards for soy- beans-------------------------- Land, options to purchase, authorized-- Living quarters and expenses abroad, use of funds for, authorized------ Advance payments authorized ------ Loans to needy farmers ---------- Penalty for unlawful use of proceeds- National-forest lands, withdrawal of, for municipal water-supply protection- Administration----------------- Forest Service, reimbursement to, for loss of revenues------------ Page 546 765 532 532 532 614 615 224 224 225 New England hurricane damage project, disposal of tools, etc., authorized-- 1210 Nurseries, use of certain funds for es- tablishment of, forbidden -------- 566 Nursery stock, availability of funds for procurement of----------------- 566 Parity payments, funds available for- 562, 563 Restriction----------------------- 563 Petersburg, Alaska, land set aside as water-supply reserve------------ 1197 Plant Industry, Bureau of, limitation on cost of buildings erected---------- 543 Promotions, administrative within- grade, limitation on-------------- 570 Purchases without advertising -------- 1109 Reconstruction Finance Corporation, advances for rural rehabilitation loans; conditions, etc----------- Regulatory functions, delegation of cer- tain, by Secretary, authorized- . -- Appropriation authorized - . . -- -- . . . Rural Electrification Administration- Allotment of funds authorized- ---- Salary restriction ---------------- Salary restriction -------- Seeds, fertilizers, etc., purchases and grants of -------------------- Soil Conservation Service- Buildings, limitation on cost; restric- tion on construction on other than Government-owned land_-- Nursery stock, funds available for procurement of --

Photographs, maps, etc., sale author- ized ------------------------ Transfer of certain functions of, to Department of the Interior ---- Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations au- thorized-------------------- Warehouse maintenance, etc-------- 614 81 82 566 566 532 561 559 56( 56( 123' 6( 559 Agriculture, Department of--ontinued. rage Soybeans, establishment of standards for---------------------------- 765 Spray insecticides, investigations con- cerning, use of funds forbidden__- 533 Stationery stocks, maintenance-------- 533 Stenographic reporting services, con- tracts for, authorized--------- - 532 Sugar Act of 1937, amendments. See separate title. Supplies, etc., proportionate charging of expenses of handling----------- 533 Surplus Marketing Administration, con- solidation of designated offices into- 1232 Tenants and sharecroppers, payments for participation in agricultural conservation program ----------- 562 Tobacco seed and plants, exportation prohibited; exception ---------- 231 Twine, purchase of domestic --------- 534 Vehicles- Funds available for maintenance, etc- 533 Purchase authorized--------------- 568 Water conservation and utilization proj- ects. See separate title. Weather Bureau, transfer to Depart- ment of Commerce ------------- 1236 White-pine blister rust, measures for control of, authorized ------------ 168 Work for other departments; transfer of funds --------- _----------- - 567 Agriculture, International Institute of, Rome, Italy, appropriation for contri- bution ------------------------- 187 Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Colleges of, appropriation for endowment of - 582 Air Corps. See Army; War Department. Air Safety Board: Appropriation for----- ------------- 116 Transfer to Department of Commerce - 1235 Consolidation with Civil Aeronautics Authority------_ -----------_ 1235 Aircraft. See also Army; Civil Aero- nautics Authority; National De- fense; Navy; Navy Department; War Department. Facilitation of procurement of, for national defense --- _--_------- 45 Air-Mail Service, Domestic, appropria- tion for------------------- 73, 649, 1044 Air-Mail Transportation, jurisdiction over certain services extended to Civil Aeronautics Authority ------------ 735 Air-Mail Transportation, Foreign: Accounts, settlement of-------------- 862 Appropriation for ---------------- 73, 649 Air-Navigation Facilities: Appropriation for- Establishment_ -- --- -- -- --- -- -- 115, 1039 Maintenance and operation------- - 114 INDEX IV . . . ..... - j s r - - - L